( 5; Flow Like Fluid )

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( Chapter Five ; Flow Like Fluid )


I reached out grabbing both his hands in mine. I placed his arms around my neck and his body molded on top of mine. He was a shy one so I had to be more dominant. I buried my face in his neck nipping at him. He smelled so intoxicating, I just wanted him.

"You smell like heaven." I said and began to suck and bite on his neck.

Alex had no complaints, he surrendered to me. His hands now running through my hair encouraging me to continue. Their was a fire being ignited, soon we would be burning together.

Both my hands found their way down his back and gripped his ass. I squeezed and pushed him closer so he could feel my desire. That's when I heard the sweetest sound of a moan come from his lips. God I wanted him. I knew I had to have him.


Alex. My beautiful stranger was perfect and compliant in my arms. He moved against me as if we could be any more closer to each other. Alex.

My hand on its own accord fumbled to grip his hair and gently pulled his head back. I wanted to see him. His eyes were filled with lust and want. He continued to writhe above me creating friction, his soft lips in the form of an o. Through heavy lids I stared up at my beautiful stranger.

"I want to reveal everything to you, and yet tell you nothing. What is it about you?" I said trying to understand my own want.

Kellan searched his gaze, he was so quiet but his eyes revealed every single thing. He'd let me take advantage of him at this point if I wanted too. Do I want to? Do I want him beneath me pounding into him with such force he'd gripped the sheets until his knuckles were white. He would enjoy it, oh he would. But not yet, the chase and anticipation was far more exciting.

He let his hands roam over Alex's face as if memorizing every minute crease. He cupped both of Alex's cheeks and pulled his head towards his. It was a brief kiss, but it burned with sparks nonetheless. Soft, pink, and pouty just like he liked them. He wanted to see them swollen and wide open screaming-

"You should get home." He watched as confusion was etched across Alex's face.

"I should?" Alex responded. He looked so damned beautiful. Like a wide eyed doe with the whitest of furs.

Alex nodded his head, his desire dying down as they both stood from the couch. I walked him to the door debating on whether I should let him go or not. Should I let him go? With one of my most charming smiles I grabbed his hand.

"How about dinner tomorrow. You cook for me this time." Alex let out a soft laugh.

"I'll try and cook. Sounds like fun." He loved the grin that was now plastered on his beautiful stranger's face.

He stepped closer and kissed Alex gently once again. Once Kellan closed the door he regretted it, the bulge in his pants was very much still throbbing. He needed release, that could wait though.

He went into his room and sat down at his work station. He moved the mouse and his laptop clicked on. He had been working on his new book. "The Stranger In Apartment 102. By Kellura Lunar." It was apart of a 3 book series that would be published soon. He began to type;

(What is it. I see this future I want with you. I see myself as your companion. Like, I want to get married. I want a home and more children . I just want a life with you. I am not scared of my feelings. I embrace them, I want to pursue them. But what is it about You? It's everything.)

Kellan sighed. He moved away from his desk to stand and stare out of his window. He had his eye on Alex ever since he had gotten here at the apartment complex. People didn't believe in love at first. They figure it isn't real, it's a bunch if bullshit. Not in my books, not in my eyes. Love is love no matter how it comes at you. Embrace it, don't be scared of it.

I watched Alex go into his apartment safe and sound. He was a very talented and magnificent creature. I still could smell the taste of him on my lips. I could have did anything I wanted to do to him tonight. I should have. I should have dragged him in my room and tied his hands up, blind folded him and spanked- Damn.

He needed a cold shower. He turned back to his desk to caress and look upon the picture frames that crowded his desk. He missed his daughter. His visit to see her was long overdue. In 2 months his book would probably be finished and he would leave this place. But after meeting Alex he wasn't sure if he wanted to.

Why was karma such a bitch. He looked around at his quiet bedroom, Alex, he kept thinking. He had fun tonight. Dinner was good, the movies after were good and he enjoyed the brief grinding session. Tomorrow night would definitely be better.

The next night that followed ...

I paced around my apartment like a caged animal. A really big animal that was in a small cage. I kept busy all day trying to finish up the latest chapter of the book. Soon it would be time to go down to Alex's apartment for dinner. Excited ? More like over joyed. He hadn't seen his beautiful stranger all the day. He missed him.

How weird did that sound. He missed a stranger. I grabbed my keys and slipped on some shoes. He couldn't wait to see what Alex had prepared for him.

» Alex's P.O.V. «

I couldn't stop thinking about 33-Kellan. Last night was... It was... It made me want. Boy has it been a long time since I wanted. He held me like I wanted, he stared at me like I wanted, he handled me like I wanted. Maybe tonight he'd handle me again. A guy can only hope.

All day without running into 333. Work was work of course. It's all about Jean-Luc as always. When work ended I was back in my apartment, only this time I had been inspired to paint again. A larger canvas this time that took up most of the space I did have in my bedroom. It was another magnificent painting of 333. What can I say, the guy was mind consuming.

Alex stared at the half done painting. It was only an outline of what's to come. He hadn't filled the colors nor detailed it yet. He really didn't have time to because when he glanced up at his clock it was after 8. Shit! He'd forgotten about dinner. In which he wasn't a good cook anyway. However he did have an idea in mind.

He grabbed a quick shower to wash away all the paint. He pulled on his favorite hip huggers showing the outline of his 'v cut.' He stayed well toned for a frequent jogger. He never liked the gym, people just stare and judge. He toweled dried his hair which created a crinkle curl in his hair. His bare feet padded to the kitchen as he pulled an apron on. Yes, tonight would be a meal 333 would never forget.

There was a knock on the door. Who could be at my door right now? (333. He was the only one.) He opened the door and their stood his Adonis. Already smiling his dimpled smile and that mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Evening Alex. You have my dinner ready?" Alex's pulse sped up as he watched Kellan survey him from head to toe.

"Or are we going straight to desert?" Kellan walked in and closed the door behind him.

He then grabbed me and pushed me against the door. With one hand untying the apron from around me and his other pulling off his jacket. I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to kiss him. Mine, tonight he was all mine.


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