Chapter 1: Camila

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For the past week, everyone has been so giddy and excited to go back to London and to start a tour. Each day we would wake up, get ready, go to the studio, and rehearse our set. This may seem boring, yet truthfully in doing so we only grew stronger as a group and as friends.

As for Lauren and I, things have been magnificent. Neither of us had ever been so happy in our lives before. The only thing about our relationship that I couldn't comprehend was why we hadn't felt this way any sooner.

"Camz!" Lauren exclaimed as she came into our bedroom. "Lolo!" I exclaimed back at her while holding out my arms for her. She happily jumped in my arms and we fell onto the bed with laughter. I kissed my girlfriend's adorable nose, then told her, "I'm so excited for the tour!" "Me too, Camzy," she beamed. Lauren then pecked my lips and got up from the bed.

"Lolo," I pouted. "Yes?" Lauren asked sweetly as she packed some clothing. "Come back," I pretended to be on the verge of tears. "Nope, I'm not falling for that again," she held her hands up as she refused to face me. I began to give little sniffles as if I was crying until Lauren came back and wrapped her arms around me.

"Better now?" Lauren questioned. "No," I have her puppy dog eyes. I leaned in to kiss her, when she pulled away and smirked at me. "You're not winning this Cabello," she winked. "I wouldn't be so sure Jauregui," I replied with a wink back. "Wanna bet?" Lauren raised an eyebrow at me. "It's on Jauregui," I got up from the bed.

My girlfriend tackled me back to the bed immediately and began to tickle me frantically. I giggled until I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore, so I began screaming, "Stop it!" "Never," she laughed deviously. "Rape!" I began to holler repeatedly at the top of my lungs.

"Oh my god! What's going on?" Dinah demanded as she burst into the bedroom. "Lauren is raping me!" I yelled. "You two are so weird," Dinah rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. "We have to leave to get to the airport in half an hour so you should really hurry up!" Dinah called to us from the hallway.

"Ha! I win!" I exclaimed with a smile. "Watch it Cabello," Lauren said. "Yes ma'am," I surrendered and finished packing my things. It didn't take me very long, so I decided to go say goodbye to Meaghan before we had to leave.

Running up to her door, I began to feel worried in the pit of my stomach. I pushed the worries away as I knocked on her door. However, the worries only increased as no one answered. I realized that the door was open, so I rushed in and went fast up to Meaghan's room.

"Shit!" I yelled as I saw that she wasn't in her room. "Who's there?" I heard Meaghan's voice. "It's Camila, where are you?" I demanded. "Bathroom, hang on I'll be two seconds," she called, although I could tell there was something wrong in her voice. I sat on her bed and waited for her to come out of the bathroom.

"Good morning," she greeted me with a friendly yet fake smile once she exited the bathroom. "Hi," I stretched out as I went up to her and rolled up her sleeves. I saw about ten cuts on each arm, each still bleeding. I cleaned her up immediately and silently until I finished and declared, "I was coming to say goodbye, but clearly I can't leave you like this. You're coming on tour with me." "Okay," she nodded, then headed with me back to the house.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make! Meaghan's coming with us on tour!" I called to the girls as the entered the house. "Okay cool!" Normani called back to me as Ally came down the stairs. "Hey, she gave me a warm smile. She then turned towards the staircase and called, "Hurry up girls, we can't be late!" "Coming! I just have to wake DJ up, she fell asleep again!" Lauren yelled from upstairs.

Within moments, Normani, Dinah, and Lauren came downstairs with all of our luggage. Dinah looked incredibly grumpy, so I ran up to her and jumped on her back. "Cheer up CheeChee, we're going to Europe!" I exclaimed. "Yeah yeah whatever," she groaned, causing me to kiss her on the cheek and for Lauren to give me sad eyes. I discreetly stuck my tongue out at her as we all entered the car and headed to the airport.

Truthfully, I couldn't wait for this tour. I hoped it would be the best experience of my life, although a small voice in the back of my mind kept telling me that it was actually going to be the worst. I just hoped it would be wrong.

** hey there :) sorry if the first chapter is too short for you guys. I decided to make shorter chapters so that I would update sooner :) (because we all know how long it took me to update with Break Down The Door and for those of you who read A World Of Lies I know I would hate me too for taking forever) anyways, if any of you have any feedback or ideas for this story, let me know, I'd love to hear your ideas :) okay yeah this is getting much too long sooo have a good day :) love you :)

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