Chapter 3

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Monday came and I'm little bit scare to attend school. How will I face jungkook when I pass across him? I'm scare too much. Will he pretend that nothing happend between us or will he tell about our 'one night' to his friends?

"Get a grip Y/n! you don't hv any relationship with him. why should he try to talk with you anyway? You just one of girl that he 'play'. " I scold myself and to be honest, the fact that I'm just one of his toy damn hurt me.

"Okay! I can do this! Just act like nothing happend yeonnnn"

I walk to the school gate after I get out from bus. Although we have our own car, I still prefer to use public transportation. I'm not the spoil brat kids , I love to live like a normal citizen.

As I walk into hallway, I spotted my bestfriend Areum.

"Where are you last night? why you leave without informing me? you know , I'm worried about you so much ,if something bad happend, I'll be the one who will answer your parents " she scold me while bomb me with question.

"Oh crap! I'm so drunk and I forget to call you that I went home" I lied.

She eyed me with worried face.

"are you sure nothing happend?"

"100% sure! " I nod

"Do you know I'm worried about you? I search all over the place--"

"Areum! I'm so sorry! I'm promise this will never happend again" I show her my eyesmile while hugging her.

"Ofcourse this will never happend because I'll never bring you again" She laugh evily.

"So, we're good now?"

"yeah bitch!" she hug me back like how we always do.

"Come on! we dont want to be late on mr.lee class!" we start to walk to our classroom, then I hear my name being called.

"Y/N!" My heart beating fast and my skin turn pale.

I just want to disappear that moment. All student in the hallway include areum hear clearly that he call my name and now they're staring at me. What did you do Jungkook? how can you put me in this situation?

I turn around and see the most handsome and cutest creature in world. JEON JUNGKOOK.

"Hi?" he smile while touching his back neck.

I stay silent. I'm too nervous to talk to him. He is fvcking bts jungkook you know, who will not nervous, plus after what just happend between us.

The I start to hear the other student talking shit about me.

"who is that bitch?how dare she flirt with our oppa"

"go to hell bitch"

" Aish that ice princess"

"new slut"

And I relize that talking to him is not a good decision. I know its kind of rude but I have to do this for our(maybe my) sake.

I just walk to our classroom without answer him. His face turn drastically from the cute smile to the serious one.


The bell ringing and what happend just now still bothering me.

"Y/n, explain me what happend" areum give me a stern look.

"What? I don't hv any idea reumm" I lied to her Again

"I'll let this one pass, but if it happend again, you have no option but to tell the real things that happend"
I just nodded.

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