Chapter 10

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Jungkook voice startled me. Five minutes have pass since I've done the test and I was still in the bathroom. I don't know how could I tell him. One line, it shows one line. It means negative, I'm not pregnant.How could it be negative?!

I wanted to cry; Not because I'm happy but because I'm sad. Jungkook was very excited and I don't know how would he react.

"Baby?" He called again.

A tear fell on my eyes. I was beyond disappointed,  opposite of what I should feel. I should be happy that I was not pregnant right but I was not. At the back of my mind I was expecting that I was. There are so many signs that I was, but I guess I assume too much. I open the bathroom door feeling sulky.

"So?" Jungkook eyed me excitedly , like he was reading my mind.

"One line" I simply says.

Two words-Seven letters- It crashed him.He never say a word and sits on the couch. I followed him and silence envelopes us.

"Come on. I'll take you home." Jungkook breaks the silence.

Disappointment was written all over his face but he never says anything until he drop me off our house.

I don't know what to think anymore.I know he's disappointed, maybe sad as I was or maybe much. I don't know if he's mad or what and it's killing me. No matter how hard I think and tell myself that everything would be alright,  at the back of my mind; I know it's not! My pregnancy would have played a big role on the development of our relationship, but now it's just made things more confusing and complicated.

Jungkook didn't text me that night like he did the other night and it bothers me a lot. What was he thinking? Is this the end for both of us? Did he just stay by my side all this time because of the chances that I might be pregnant?

I remembered our conversation two weeks ago after the first time that something happen between us.


"What if I got pregnant? "There I ask it,Tears are starting to form in my eye.

"I'll take responsibility to it"Without hesitation he answer and wipes the tears that roll down my eyes.

"You do?" I ask looking at him, I don't expect that he will say that. Although I'm really hope he would .

"Of course" Jungkook firmly answer.

"You won't ask me to abort it?" I ask again.

"Of course not! Why would you think such thing?" He look hurt, but what can I do? It just that,everything seams so surreal.

"It's a blessing and there's still a possibility that you may not get pregnant- Let's just think about what we should do when were sure , okay? "


I don't know why but I feel a bit sad about it. Do I want to get pregnant ? I bit my lower lip to shake off that thought, maybe Jungkook was just being nice to say that he will take responsibility to it. Maybe he just don't want to see me hurt.

Tears falls like a stream from my eyes as I realize that's maybe the only reason Jungkook has been good and caring to me. He doesn't like me, he just feels responsible and now that it's confirm that I'm not pregnant; will it be the end for us?


The next day, I woke up feeling light headed , my eyes are puffy and my stomach hurts a bit.I didn't throw up like the past few days. I head to the bathroom and get ready for school.

My parents greeted me when I sat down for breakfast .

"Good morning too" I greeted back.

"What happen to your eyes? " my mom ask.

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