Chapter 7

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"Second step;make him jelous"

How would I do that? This is hard. I think I should skip this one; I thoughts as I walk downstairs.

The sound of laughter welcomed me when I enter our dining area for breakfast.

"Oppa!" I exclaimed when I saw my brother laughing with my mom. Dad wasn't there, he must have left earlier.

"Hey princess" Mino smile cheeky and give me a hug the moment I enter the kitchen.

"You came! I really thought you wont." I beam happily and return the hug.

"Of course. Anything for our princess. So how are you? Do you have a boyfriend already? " He tease,when he broke the hug.

I blush hard at the word boyfriend

"No I don't have "

"The boys in your school must be all blind and gay because cant see how beautiful you are." He says,then slung his arm around my shoulder.

"It's okay oppa. I'm not in a rush and I haven't met anyone as sweet as you." I reassure him

But then; Jungkook cross my mind. He was sweet , I'm in love with him but I'm not sure if he feels the same. He might just play with me.

"Okay fine--This kid. Come on, I'll take you to school. "

We bid goodbye to our mom and made our way to His car. We talk about his upcoming debut on our way to school. Mino oppa seems so excited about it and that makes me very happy, knowing that his very close in reaching his dream.


"We're here! "

he announced a little too loud when he park the car in front of my University.

"You don't have to shout, I can see it! " I growl at him.

"Yahh--I'm your oppa. I still older than you." He warn me.

"I'm just joking oppa. You're so serious- " I lightly hit his arm.

"Got you! I'm joking too!" He laugh hard. Such a kid. And he say he was older.

After recovering from his non stop laughing, he move out of the car and open the door for me.

"So, I'll visit when I've got a time again. " he told me before giving me a bear hug.

"Sure. Take care of yourself oppa. " I say, returning the hug.

Students are starting to look at us weirdly.

"Promise me to be there on my debut showcase!" He says after breaking the hug.

"Of course! I'll stand infront while holding 'MINO'banner" I smile widely.

"Thanks.Take care .Bye!" He bid goodbye and give me a light kiss on the cheek.

I've waited till his car disappeared from my sight before I spun to enter the university; only to be welcome with Areum glare and Jungkook intense gaze.

'I'm screwed' Areum likes my brother and I know she's mad because I didn't tell her Mino oppa visited.

Before I walk my way to Areum, I look at Jungkook again. He was still looking at me, but this time his face shows no emotion. I don't know how long our eye contact lasted, before he broke it and walk away. My heart clenched in pain.What now? He the one who ignoring me--

My thoughts was cut off when Areum smack me in the arm, a little hard.

" How could you! Why didn't you tell me!" Areum was drilling holes in me.

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