Chapter 11

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"Y/N! "

my heart jump out from my chest seeing her being hit by a car and pass out. I run towards her and my heart broke when I spotted blood.

'NO! 'My mind shouted.

"God, please don't! " I put her head on my lap and shake her a bit.

"Baby,  wake up!" She's not moving.

"Please someone called an ambulance !" I yelled, my tears started to fall.

She can't die like this, I haven't able to confess to her and tell her how much



"One line--"

My excitement died down when I hear her say those two words. I know I should be happy that Y/N was not pregnant but I was not. I know we are both young and her being pregnant was a big responsibility,but I really wanted her to be.

That night, when I first made love to her. I actually purposely didn't use protection. Why? Because I wanted to really get her pregnant.Why? Because that's the only way I know to have her.

It may sound pyschotic, but I was madly in love with her for along time already. I just haven't had a guts to come and confess to her, so when I saw her that night entering the club with her friend Areum, my eyes didn't leave her. I watch her every move and when I saw her goes to the dance floor , I watch her intently. I saw some guys surrounding her, taking advantage of her and that's when I took my chance. I save her and made her stay by my side all night. She seems surprise when I told her I knew her and I praise myself when I didn't stutter talking to her, although my heart was beating like crazy. I was so nervous , so I ended up drinking too much. Thanks to my friends for forcing her to take me home and I don't really know how I ended up kissing her that night which lead us on making love.

Waking up that morning with her on my side was probably the best morning of my life. The girl that I love was with me, looking beautiful as always and those love marks on her neck, shoulder made her more beautiful. I made those marks, I marked her! She's mine and I was the first man on her life!


My thoughts was cut off when I heard the sound of ambulance approaching.

"Hold on baby. Please!"

"What happen to her sir?" The paramedics ask.

"She was hit by a car then she loss consciousness and her head is bleeding. " I was able to answer with a shaking voice.

"Okay. We need to carefully put her on a stretcher and put pressure on her wound to temporarily stop the bleeding. "

The paramedics told me and so we did. She was being placed on the ambulance when I saw Jinhee comes running towards me.

"Omg-- !What happen?  Why do you have blood on your hands and shirt ?" She ask.

"Y/n got into an accident! " I answer sulky , and ask the paramedics if I could ride the ambulance to. They hesitate at first but seeing the desperation in my eyes,  they finally let me.

"Text me the hospital! " Jinhee yelled, I just nod before the ambulance door closed and run to the hospital with speed. It only took ten minutes for us to arrived at the Seoul Medical Hospital.

On our way, the paramedics already called the hospital; so some nurses and a doctor was already waiting for us. The paramedics transfer her to another stretcher and was bought to the ER.

"Sir your not allowed to be here." The nurse says and closed the door.


She didn't let me finish my sentence. I just watch them from the small glass window of the door,  putting an oxygen mask on Y/N and checking up her vital signs.

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