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Danny POV
"Daddy its 7, can I get up now?" Daisy was tapping me on the shoulder.

I rolled over to check the time, yep it was 7.
"Wait here Baby, I'll go and light the fire downstairs, actually, you go and wake Grandma." I rolled out of bed, pulled on my dressing gown and put my glasses on. I then wrapped Daisy in her dressing gown and went to light the fire.

I put the kettle on and waited for Daisy to shout me from the top of the stairs, the usual Christmas morning ritual, it woke everyone in the house up though. I ran back up the stairs to find Andi and her husband now on the landing with my mam and Daisy.

"Morning Ma, merry Christmas," I enveloped my mum in a huge hug and then did the same to Andi and James her husband.

"Should we go down and wait for the others to arrive?" Mum asked.

"I think so," we all ran down the stairs like excited kids.

The kettle had just boiled when the rest of the O'donoghue clan walked in the door, wrapped in huge coats over their pyjamas, bottles of wine in their hands and presents in massive bags.

"Just in time I see," Dara laughed slapping me on the shoulder as he walked past.

"Basted!" I laughed.

"Hey Dan, what letter comes after S in the alphabet?" Mandy asked me.

"Ummm T?"

"Yeah please, a splash of milk and one sugar." She howled.

"Wanker," I smirked.

"Yeah, nice to see you too, love you brother." She laughed and hugged me.

A few moments later we all had steamy mugs of tea in our hands and were sat around the fire and the tree. I bloody love Christmas Morning.

Amber POV
I rolled over and pulled the duvet up further over my head, two weeks today. The cold air nipped my face so I snuggled down in my duvet as far as I could. Off my bedside cabinet I grabbed my phone and turned it on.

Text from Danny
Hey, I know I only met you today but I can't stop thinking about you! Can I just say you're beautiful
D xx

A small smile played on my lips. Probably the only smile I would smile today. The little clock on the wall said 8.30. I needed to be at my parent's house in an hour.

I dragged myself out of the warm covers. Running to the shower I turned it on and let the warmth of the water run over my body. I scrubbed my hair and body before climbing out and wrapping myself in a towel. I also put the electric fire on to warm the house. Trust me to buy a flat that didn't have working central heatin, oh well....it was cheap.

I made myself some toast with the remaining crappy bread from the night before. I wanted to reply to Danny but I didn't know what to say. He really didn't need a burden like me when he already had a daughter. I felt like I needed to see him face to face.

Half an hour later I knocked on my parent's front door. My mum answered looking tired and rundown. Just how I felt.

"Amber," she smiled and sounded cheery but in her eyes I could see the sad emptiness that only her little girl Holly could fill.

"Hi mum," I sighed stepping into the house, the place my sister took her last breath exactly 2 weeks ago. Just the thought brought tears to my eyes.

In the corner of the living room was a small tree, it had no decoration on it, no one could be bothered to decorate it. Grief and bereavement makes you feel so empty anything colourful or cheery makes it worse, it's almost like you have no reason to be sad and this makes everything seem worse.

"Amber?" My dad hugged me, I didn't realise tears were running down my cheeks.

"I miss her daddy."

Made this to show how different Danny and Amber's lives are. Will this get in the way of any possible relationship? Find out soon. Let me know if you're still enjoying it.
Love M x

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