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Danny POV
I gently shook Mark awake as the seat belt sign pinged on and the pilots voice echoed through the intercom. I gritted my teeth as the plane descended towards the ground, in an effort to stop my ears popping.

It was late October but it surprised me to see that the snow was already on the ground in Detroit. We all piled into a small camper van, pur tour bus. It wasn't anything extravagant but we were a new band what can I expect. If I'm honest I thought we wouldn't even get a camper van, I thought we would have a Transit Van with no space to breathe and certainly no space to stand up.

The driver sat upfront reading a newspaper as we put our instruments and luggage in the spaces under the seats.

"Ready?" The driver turned around folding his paper and chucking it into the corner of the dashboard.

"Yup!" Paul our tour manager gave a thumbs up and the beast rumbled into life.

I checked the time to see if I could ring home. I worked out that Daisy would be in bed but Amber might still be awake. It would be 11.30 at home.

I dialed Amber's number and after it rang 6 times she picked up.

Call to Amber:
A: Hey love, you alright? Her voice was croaky as if she had just woken up.
D: Hey babe, did I wake you up?
A: I wasn't quite asleep don't worry.
D: Sorry. I laughed knowing full well that she had been asleep.
A: Don't worry, I'd rather speak to you.
D: Really? Guess you miss me then?
A: Not at all, no I'm joking missing you like mad, the beds really big and cold.
D: I know but I'll be home soon and we can plan this wedding thing.
A: I know, I have an idea for a church.
D: Tell me.
A: Church where your dad, my mum and sister are buried.
D: Yeah, why didn't I think of that?
A: Why where we're you thinking?
D: Hadn't given it any thought if im honest.
A: That'll be why then. Anyway how was your flight?
D: Meh, fine just long and boring. How was Daisy?
A: Perfect an absolute Angel, obviously she misses you but we had lots of fun.
D: Oh good.
I heard Amber yawn and remembered it was very late back in the UK
D: You can go if you want, you need some sleep.
A: Ok I will, just one more thing, have you asked Mark and Glen yet?
D: Not yet, I will, just chill. Oh and one more thing.
I paused.
A: Danny? Are you there? What?
D: I love you.
A: Love you too. Bye!

She hung up but I was smiling, a very happy bunny.

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