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*6 weeks later- 20th April*
Amber POV
"Danny, can you please just calm down and sit still?" I asked him as I watched him pace up and down the small kitchen.

"Sorry love, I'm just..." he paused.

"Nervous?" I prompted.

"Yeah but no, more worried about reputation, you know? After Mytown I'm not sure I can do it if it goes wrong." His hands were almost shaking as he wiped them on his jeans to wipe the sweat off.

"My baby, it'll be fine, the song is amazing." I stood up and hugged him to calm him down.

"Uurrrggghhhh!" He groaned in anxious frustration raking his hands through his hair.

"Hey!" An idea popped into my head, one way that Danny used to calm down was music.

"What?" He looked up.

I grabbed his hand and led him out of the kitchen up the stairs. Opposite our bedroom was the music room. A grand piano sat in one corner, about 4 guitars lined the walls and a keyboard stood ontop of a speaker.

I made him sit down at the piano and sat next to him on the stool. He looked at me, confusion in his eyes.

"Play for me," I leaned my head on his shoulder as he placed his hands on the black and white keys.

His fingers spread across the keys and pressed them down. Then his voice filled the small room.

I'm going back to the corner
Where I first saw you
Going to camp in my sleeping bag
I'm not going to move.

I didn't realise until he finished that I was crying. Not sad tears, not happy tears. I think I just couldn't believe that the guy I met in a graveyard on Christmas Eve 2 years ago would be about to take over the world with his best friends and a debut album. I couldn't believe he had the voice of an angel or the looks of a rockstar.

I recalled our first meeting, I was in hysterics and he was sat on a rock next to his dad's grave crying also. I remember how he held me tight as we both cried over our losses and then he walked me home and texted me that night making me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"Hey don't cry," he hugged me tight and kissed away my tears.

"Sorry, I'm just so proud," I smiled but it didn't stop my sobbing.

"Aww I love you, but hey the chart rankings aren't even in yet," he smirked.

"You'll ace it, the song is beautiful and you already have a small fanbase remember."

"Yeah, it's called my family," he laughed, then I think because of nerves he found it way funnier than it should be and before long we were both in stitches.

Then Danny got a text. His tour manager telling him how well his new song, The Man Who Can't Be Moved. I glanced over his shoulder as his face drained off all the colour and his black Iphone fell from his hands with a clatter.

Soppy chapter alert. And was Danny's reaction a good thing or not? Find out in the next chapter. I'm about to go back and correct spelling and grammer for all my chapters. I should have done it sooner! Why did I wait until I had 82 chapters??? A aaggghhh!
Love M x

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