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Danny POV
Wow, trans-atlantic flights are long and boring, I thought to myself as I stared at the little tv in the back of the seat infront. A little tracker showed the small image of an airoplane halfway across the Atlantic. Underneath it said 5 hours to go. Great.

I wanted to sleep and stared enviously at Amber and Daisy, Amber's head was slumped on my shoulder whilst Daisy was leaning against the window, both fast asleep. Across from me my mum was also asleep and the others were watching a film.

I leaned my head ontop of Amber's head and closed my eyes, but my mind wouldn't switch off, I had a tune in the back of my mind. Failing to fall asleep I stood up and reached for my bag that was in the overhead compartment. The thing about being 6'4" is that there is never enough leg room on flights, so in the few moments I was stood I took advantage of the leg stretch.

I left my bag on the seat and walked to the little toilet cubicle where I took my phone out and sang the melody that was in my head into it. Embarrassing but essential. I stopped singing and headed back to my seat and wrapped the blanket back round me and a sleeping Amber.

Just as my eyes grew heavy it was as if a switch had been flicked in my head, a sudden song lyric came into my head. I sat up quickly and grabbed my pen but as it hovered over a clean page my mind went blank again. Shit!

I decided to give up on sleep if my brain was going to play nasty tricks on me like that. Flicking through the shitty in flight movies I sighed, growing more and more agitated and bored. In the end I plugged my ear phones in and pressed shuffle, music blasted into my ears, lowering my heart rate and calming me down.

Staring at my precious little girl, still fast asleep and my beautiful fiancée, who had now moved so her legs were spead over my lap, her converse clad feet hanging into the isle, an idea popped into my mind. I immediately grabbed my pen and pad, scribbling lyrics faster than my hand could keep up.

When trouble thinks it's found us
The world falls down around us
I promise baby you won't ever
You won't ever feel a thing

'Cause I will take it on the chin
Eh, for you
So lay your cuts and bruises over my skin
I promise you won't feel a thing
'Cause everything the world could throw
I'll stand in front. I'll take the blow for you.
For you.

"Euh...." Amber mumbled rubbing her face and stretching her arms up yawning. "What are you writing babe?"

"None of your business mrs," I slammed my notebook shut and stuffed it in my hoodie pocket. I didn't want her to read it, not yet.

"Danny," she wined trying to persuade me to show her.

"Not a chance, it was shit." I told her truthfully, I wasn't happy with it but it would be buzzing round my head all day if I didn't write it down, I'd change it later.

"Fine if that's how you want to be that's how we'll be." She sighed reaching to put a film on.

"Let me watch with you," I tapped her taking one of the ear buds.

"Oh now you want to talk," she giggled wrapping the blanket over herself and me.

4 hours later our plane bumped down on American soil. I gasped at the dark sky that seemed to go on forever. At the edge of the runway were piles of grey dirty snow. I got so excited I felt like Daisy on Christmas morning.

We stepped out of Denver airport, all half asleep, immediately I pulled my coat around me. I'd forgotten it would be night time when we arrived. I grinned as I saw the Chevvy truck we had hired for the first part of the journey. As I climbed in behind the wheel it all felt very American.

Inspiration for a new song found on a long haul flight. Obviously I don't think the song is shit but I've made Danny think so for another part of the story, just incase you're wondering.
Love M x

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