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Danny POV

"Danny?" I turned round at my name. There stood Lara, soaked from the rain that was now pouring down.

"Danny?" Amber looked confused.

That's when I noticed Lara was crying. Crap.

I looked from Lara to Amber in panic, why did she have to come here now.

"Lara? What are you doing here? Why are you crying?" I asked looking at her but holding onto Amber's hand.

"You, Danny you happened, the way you treated me a few days before Christmas made me think that we had something, that connection, a spark that would help us rekindle our relationship, but no, I guess not" Lara spoke, her voice getting louder and higher with each accusation.

"What The Fuck Lara?" I gasped, the injustice of her words shocking me, "you left me for a guy nearly four years ago, Jesus! You just left me to raise our daughter on my own and now just because you're not happy I don't deserve to be?"

"Danny? What's going on?" Amber squeezed my hand tightly.

I was about to reply but Lara got there first.

"I don't know who you think you are but I know you're not getting Dan, or seeing my daughter," she screeched like a maniac.

"Lara, don't talk to Amber like that and also..." I took a deep breath, "I don't think you should see Daisy, we've coped so far, I think she's better off without you."

"Danny that's unfair!" She whispered, suddenly looking shamefully at her hands, twisting her scarf in and out her fingers.

"Yes, yes Lara it is but it's also unfair to put Daisy through that, she doesn't know who you are, she was 18 months old for gods sake, you can't just walk back into our lives like you never left." I turned on my heel pulling Amber with me.

"Danny!" I heard Lara cry but I carried on walking.

"Danny? Who was that, what's going on?" Amber asked stroking her thumb over my knuckles.

"She's Lara, my ex wife, she left me when Daisy was a year and a half, for some New Yorker but she was in a car crash just before Christmas and we're not sure if she lost the baby she was carrying." I took a deep breath, suddenly feeling bad for ignoring her back there. " In hospital she found him cheating on her and now I'm guessing she wants me back."

"Oh Danny, that must be awful," Amber sighed, "what are you going to do?"

"I'll do anything but go back to her," I smiled looking down at Amber her pale features looking beautiful, "I'll be her friend but I'll never be her partner in crime again."

"Oh" Amber replied simply before staying silent.

A good few minutes later we came to an apartment block.

"Well this is me," Amber smiled sadly, "thank you for that Danny, I really enjoyed that."

"Ah, It's not a problem, I really enjoyed it too," I grabbed her hand and pulled her close, stroking her hair.

"I'll see you soon, and Daisy, send my love." Amber turned around and walked up the steps to the door.

"I'll will, Daisy will love you, I promise." I grinned, next time I was taking Daisy with me, before we went back to London for the new school year. "Bye!"

I turned to walk back home, a smile that could light up the national grid on my face.

Well that backfired abit didn't it Lara? Can't wait to write where Amber meets Daisy! :)
Love M x

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