No longer hidden

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(Picture of Mark in suit has nothing to do with the story of this chapter, enjoy)

The rest of Vidcon didn't give us a break. Me and Mark went on a trip to Disney Land with some other friends soon after Vidcon and Mark was even getting stopped by fans there, some of them would question who I was but most didn't. This was surprising considering the recent surge of news involving me, though I probably contributed to that storm after the selfy Mark and I took from Disney Land, which I posted to my Twitter™. (You know, the cover of this fic, also tradeMark, did.... Did you see the pun I did?). Little by little, as the days went by, fans of Mark were getting more and more curious.

They found out my name, what I do for a living and my Twitter™ profile. Soon, even the Vidcon pictures with me and Mark arose, save for the one Signe kept personally, and I decided that enough was enough. I should at least inform them.

And so that's what I did, to end this ever escalating debate on whether or not Mark had a girlfriend. I, his girlfriend, sent out a tweet thanking the fans who were happy with our relationship but, informing them that we would like to keep our relationship private.

Of course, I knew that this means that fans can finally end this debate and most of his fans would be happy for him and his happiness. However, there's always gonna be that one sliver of people that were bubbling forth from the muck. The worst is yet to come, there.

After that tweet, I needed to tell Mark about what I did. Clear up everything with the man himself. For some reason, I felt a bit nervous. I had no idea why though.

"Mark." I started as we were sitting on the couch, relaxing a bit after we had recently bathed Chica. It had been a long day, we were still exhausted from recently returning from Vidcon, but all this stress piling up online was getting to me and I had to talk to him about that tweet.

"Hmm?" He turned to me as he was drying off Chica with a towel.

"I did it." I swallowed hard; I still don't know why I'm so nervous. What's there to be nervous about? It's just Mark. "I tweeted about how we're in a relationship, but that we want it to be private." It sort of came out as a run together sentence.

But, being the guy he is, Mark just simply smiled with that twinkle in his chocolate eyes. "I know, babe. I liked the tweet, remember. I definitely understand how under that sort of pressure, you would say, or rather, tweet something like that. You don't need to look so nervous, I'm fine with it. As long as they know it's private, it's none of their business."

I was relieved by that kind of news and let out a sigh, and then it me. "Oh wait, you liked that post?" I pulled out my phone and double checked, sure enough, he did.


"I see that now." I began skimming through my indirects, and there it was. The immediate bubbling muck.

Suddenly, I was berated with an on slot of jealous, young girls sending hateful and spiteful messages, holding knives up to pictures of me, even making hashtags telling me to stay away from Mark, like I would listen to someone telling me to stay away from my own boyfriend. Even dumber is the ones that were mad at me because that 'ended Septiplier' for them, a dumb fictional ship in the fandom involving Mark and his friend, Jack.

I looked out of the corner of my eye, and found Mark looking over my shoulder at the screen, then tucking a strand of hair behind my ear; he gave me kiss on the cheek.

"Just ignore that stupid shit." He whispered to me and smiled as I turned to face him. "Those aren't my fans."

"Huh?" I was a bit confused since they look like fan accounts, to me.

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