A Night To Remember Pt.2

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My eyes fluttered open and I found myself cuddled up next to Mark, the blankets barely draped around us, his arm wrapped around me, holding me to his side, my head resting on his strong shoulder, my hand resting on his buff chest, feeling it rise and fall with his rhythmic breathing as he slept. His head was tilted, facing my direction. I nestled in closer to him, but the slightest stir made his breath hitch and his chocolate brown eyes fluttered open, he grunted then kissed the top of my head. I scooted up as he ran his fingers through my hair and we shared a deep, tender kiss.

"What time is it?" He mumbled. My eyes came to focus on my alarm clock a top the dresser next to us.

"10:30" I mumbled right back. He sighed and rubbed my back with the hand wrapped around me.

"So." He began, "whose idea was the nurse's outfit?"

I blushed, "Kathryn convinced me to buy it for you."

"Was that the surprise you were talking about in our video chat?" He finally asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well, it was an amazing gift."

I giggled as we remained cuddled up with each other until we heard a familiar panting sound and a pitter patter of paws enter the room.

I raised my head up to see Chica come up to the bed holding a toy in her mouth. I rubbed my eyes and sighed as she peered at us. "Chica, it's almost 11:00 at night, puppo." I gave her a little smile, she's too cute to resist with that face.

With another sigh, I rolled out away from Mark's arm and onto the bed, jumping as my bare skin came into contact with the cold, damp spot on the sheets.

"Oooh, that's still there." I rolled over onto my stomach away from it cursing myself for forgetting where the wet spot made from our quote 'love juices', on the bed was. At least, that's what Mark calls it. I heard him laugh in spite of my embarrassment as I watched him get out of bed and accept the toy from Chica. I stuck my tongue out at him as both man and dog made their way to the door, and then turned away with a huff, burying my face in the pillow.

"Chica, fetch." He said before I heard the sound of said toy being tossed out and a doggo running after it. After that, I heard the shutting of the door and the unmistakable sound of a lock being turned.

((Smut incoming))

I could hear Mark approaching the bed and crawling up on it behind me. I sense him hover over me as I feel his warm breath caress my back. Soon after that, I feel his soft lips against my skin as he trails kisses down my spine.

Trying to brush aside the pleasant sensation, I had to ask, "Mark?"

"Hmm?" He barely even paused.

"Did you just lock Chica out of the room?" I lifted my head from the pillow a bit to look down at him.

He rose up and smirked as he propped the lower half of my body on my knees and leaned over me. "Yes, but that's because I need to spend more time with you."

"Aww." I feigned a sad face. "Are you gonna make it up to her later?" I can see as Mark hovered over me, his noticeable hard, throbbing erection. He's ready for round two.

He simply grinned again as he leaned even closer, his lips close to my ear, his hand traveling down my back, to my buttocks and lower. "I have to make it up to you first." He whispered that husky voice returning.

"How are you gonna do that?"

He answered me by plunging a finger deep inside me, I moaned softly as my body instinctively began moving with his hand as his fingers once again explored me.

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