Naughty Demi!

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Diannas POV

I just walked in on my daughter and her girlfriend doing the deed I kinda feel sick. I walked down stairs trying to forget but that's all I can think about. stop it dianna.

Danis POV

Ok so Demi's mom just walked in while we were you know doing it. I can't help but laugh "Dani stop it's not funny" I look at Demi then laugh again and it wasn't a quiet laugh either "I'm serious Dani stop!" Demi pushed me. I patented she hurt me "Uuugh I think I'm dying" I said whilst holding my heart. she just looked at me and laughed

10 minutes later we where dressed and walking down stairs Demi started slowing down "come on babe" I dragged her. Dallas saw us and laughed, I looked at Demi and she was like really red

It was now 10:43pm and everyone had left except Demi's family "so I heard you guys where having fun earlier" dallas broke the silence I looked at her then Demi and burst out laughing "it's not my fault Demi's and animal in be-" Demi cut me of with a hand to my mouth I felt really comfortable around her family we'd been dating 4 months "shut up Dani" Demi whispered in my ear I just laughed again and she was blushing so bad "ok one dani to much information, two Dani I don't actually wanna know what you do with my sister and lastly are you to back together after you know what happened?" she looked at me did she know did demi tell her I looked at Demi and she said "don't worry babe I told Dallas and she helped me get home" I was slightly pissed but I'd talk to her later "ooh ok I get ya and yeah don't worry this little monkey is forgiven I love her to much to let her get away that easily" at this point Eddie, Maddie, and Dianna where looking at us. Eddie butted in "ok what aren't you telling us" he said looking at me and Demi "um I don't really know how to say it but Demis drink got spiked and she slept with someone but it's ok we sorted it out and we're ok now right babe" I said looking at Demi "yeah dad don't worry it's ok" after a few more hours her parent and Maddie left Dallas wanted to stay she slept in the guest room I had well hopefully we had I'm gonna ask demi to move in with me

"Demi babe come here" she came and joined me on the couch "how did Dallas find out" I asked she looked to the floor "I um when I woke up I called her and she came to the hotel" she started crying "please carry on" I asked her "ok she brought me home but we talked in the car about it and she was angry about it but understood because I was spiked-" why did she say? "you where spiked I didn't know why didn't you tell me" I picked her chin up so she was facing me "I just didn't wanna make excuse it's like I can remember the night perfectly fine but it's like I wasn't in control and if it makes anything better I may of screamed your name to him" she screamed my name "was he as good as me" I said moving in from the subject "not even close babe" I feel bad for this next question "who was he" she looked down again "please demi I won't do anything I just wanna know" she continued looking down "N-Nial" she stuttered out. as in Nial from one direction i wanted to move on from the subject and bring a little light in "oh" there was a little pause "I always thought he was gay" I said chocking on my words she just flung her head back laughing. "ok babe I'm going for a shower after earlier I'm a bit smelly" she smirked at me knowing what I meant "love you baby" I gave her a quick kiss before heading up

Once I was finished I notice demi was still downstairs "DEMI! I screamed she ran up the stairs probably thinking I was being murdered "WHATS THE MATTER ATE YOU OK" se said in one breathe "I'm just wanted to go to bed with my cuddle monster" I giggled she climbed on the bed after a few minutes I was still sitting there I wanted to ask her something but I don't know how "what's up babe" she said kissing my forehead, breaking the silence "the sky silly and I well I don't know how to ask so will you just like move in with me?" It just blurted out I was gonna ask better but I guess I don't have to know "wait are you sure i mean yes OMG yes seriously yes I love you YES!" she wouldn't stop so I kissed her in her lips "stop talking demi please" I laid down and she cuddled into my chest "I'm sorry babe but yes I wanna move in with you I love you" "good I love you to" we both fell asleep

NEXT UPDATE - MONDAY I have work so I'll do it around 5pm and remember I'm writing the story where Dani's sister comes in so comment your name and it might be you....:)✌️

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