7 months notice

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1 month later

Danis POV

So Demi had officially moved and we went public it was amazing we done it on Ellen


"Are you sure you wanna do this babe" I asked demi we where about to walk on Ellen to tell the world about us "yeah babe I'm sure I wanna be able to kiss my girlfriend in public and not give a shit who saw like this" she said and smashed her lips onto mine at this point Ellen walked up to us Demi pulled back "sorry about that it was suppose to be a surprise for the world but I guess you know now Ellen" I giggled and hugged Demi's waste "hey it's fine we're all gay here I laughed uncontrollably I'm nervous and that's what I do when I'm nervous "babe calm down it's gonna be ok" demi turned and Ellen left she knew I was scared

"So please give a warm welcome to Miss Demi Lovato" I was gonna walk on after they where talking about her new album 'DEMI' "ok so demi I heard you have someone to bring on" "yes I do Ellen please welcome Dani McDonald" this was my cue I walked on and sat next to Demi "ok so I have some news to tell all of you a lot of people have seen me with my friend dani here well the thing is Danis not my friend will she is but put a girl in front of it" the crowd gasped "yes that's right I'm gay and Dani is my girlfriend" it was silent for a second when Ellen said "lesbians are great aren't they?" I flung my head back in a for of laughter think about this morning lets just say 5 times later EACH Demi finally wanted to stop "well Ellen Demi defiantly makes me happy" I said with a smirk she knew what I meant "yeah I know it's great isn't it like I mean come on who needs a guy" Ellen said then laughed herself "alright guys we'll be back in three minutes with Demi Lovato and girlfriend Dani McDonald" with that over well the first part anyway Demi got up and ran back stage she keeps being sick lately oh fuck!

I got up after her i got to the bathroom "Demi babe where are you" I heard a notice "in here" I didn't know where it came from so I just walked down she was in the second to last "baby can I ask you something" she finished vomiting "yeah anything" well this isn't any thing is it "ok um when you and Nial had you know did you use something" she was brushing her teethe at this point she stopped and looked at me "No" I looked down knowing she could be pregnant we had just gone public and she would be having someone's baby and it's like 2 weeks till Christmas.... Great "I'm sorry" I heard her whisper "don't be sorry that arse whole spiked you ok" I pulled her in for a tight hug "we should get back and talk about this latter" I asked and she nodded.

Demi's POV

I couldn't believe it I might be pregnant, I've always wanted a baby but not this way what would people think of me oh look it's that slut Demi who had a girlfriend while she was fucking Nial horan from one direction they when she got pregnant she left him. I was pulled from my thoughts when the theme music came back in

"Welcome back and still here is Demi Lovato and Dani McDonald, ok so guys now I'm gonna go all sloppy and ask all these questions like how did you meet" I took the liberty of answering this question "ok well my best friend marissa had known for a while that I'm gay and she was always trying to hook me up with people bit I was scared you know if people found out that would be really weird anyway I finally said yes to going out with her and that's when I met Dani at first-" I cut myself of laughing and Dani continued for me "ok so I was in a relationship with a girl and I found out she cheated on me so my friend marissa yeah marissa the same person was like ok you need to go out and have 'fun' so at first i kept saying no I mean I was with her for a while nearly four years any way I finally excepted and We got to this club that I wasn't happy about as I don't drink long story about that any way I saw this girl with curves and blue hair she was perfect her eyes where what got me I hadn't realise while I was checking her out that she was already in front of me I was then introduced to Demi and if I'm completely honest I didn't know who she was I never listened to music I was always an id channel haha and yeh that's how we meet" Dani finished and I squeezed her hand I kissed her in the check "so marissa set you both up well guess what i like marissa now you guys look cute together not that i didn't like her before bit you know what I mean."

End flashback

Danis POV - same day

We where on out way home from Ellen "do you wanna talk about earlier" I asked refuting to the bathroom "I don't know I mean it would make sense I haven't had my period this month and I'm defiantly a lot more excited then I have been" she replied "well ok I'll drop you of at home and go buy some tests ok" I held her hand "please don't let anyone see you" "babe not many people know about us yet but don't worry I'll be careful ok I promise" we pulled in the drive I kissed her lips and drove to the store

"Babe I'm home" I said walking upstairs I knew she would be in the bathroom as I had to go out and buy some tests I was almost certain and her hormones where crazy she hasn't had a period yet and she's horny like fuck I mean yesterday 7 times I don't know how I'm walking right now i was right she was sitting on the bath waiting for me "are you ready" I asked and nodded "baby talk to me, what's going on in your head" I asked again

"I'm scared ok what if I'm pregnant I'm gonna be known as the slut who cheated on her girlfriend, my family is gonna hate me, my Lovatics are gonna hate me I'll loose my career an to top it of there coming back I try to stop them but there stronger then me, in gonna get fat I'm scared I'm gonna hurt myself I'm scared I'm gonna loose you"

I knew what she meant by them her voices she has bipolar she has her bad days "baby your not gonna loose me I love you way to much and if you are pregnant we'll tell your family if they don't except you that's fine and for you Lovatics well tell them we wanted a family together and decide to have a baby together if they don't like it and I know they will then there not your Lovatics because they would want you to be happy, as for the voices and you scared to hurt yourself what was that song you wrote warrior you wrote that didn't you yes you did because that's what you are a warrior MY warrior"

She didn't say anything but she was crying I pulled her to sit on my lap I wiped her tears with my thumb "I love you Demetria Devonne Lovato" I whispered in her ear she smiled and hugged me tighter "I love you to Danielle McDonald" I realised her from the hug "ok so what are we waiting for you do the pee thing I'll wait in the room".

I was waiting on the bed thinking what if she's pregnant I know for sure I wanna family I'll help her I'll be a mom to this baby I'll support her so she can go back to work I'm finished with college and I'm now the owner of the cafe so I don't even have to go in.

"Dani" I get up from the bed walking in the bathroom "Babe" I said "well what is it" she looked sad " promise you won't leave me" she asked almost pleading "why would I leave the one person I've ever loved hey Demi I love you more then I love Starbucks" she giggled I loved her giggle "ok um I'm....


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