Chapter 1

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"Roza, baby we have practice in half an hour and you still need to get a shower." My soul mate and Russian God whispered in my ear. As he ran his hand up and down my thigh and over my ass lovingly.

"No, I don't want to go, I want spend the day in bed with you." I grumbled.

"We can do that tomorrow I promise, but today we have practice." Kissing my neck he begged "please Roza for me?" Damn him he knew that was always the way to get to me.

"You know that if I didn't love you with my very last breath I'd punch you in the nose right?"

"Yes baby, I'm well aware of that." He said as his lips took possession of my neck. "I'm going to go to the gym and set up while you get ready, ok?"

"Kiss first." 

That's all that needed to be said because he knew exactly what I meant so he did it. As he kissed me he pulled me out of the bed I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to the bathroom. He then set me on my feet and removed my silky pajama bottoms and lace panties. To take off my camisole we had to stop kissing, but as soon as contact was broken my top was on the floor next to my other clothes.

"God, you are so beautiful my Roza. I love you so much baby." He said as he gently brushed my hair back from my face.

"I love you too babe. Now go before I drag your sexy ass back to my bed and do some wonderfully dirty things to you." He laughed and with one last kiss a swat with one hand and a pinch on my ass with the other we pulled ourselves apart and he left.

After taking my shower and washing my hair I got ready for practice. I opened the door to leave only to find my mother, Janine Hathaway, hand raised ready to knock.

"Mom?" She looked upset like she'd been crying. She stepped forward and hugged me hard and tight. "Mom are you ok? What's wrong?"

"He's gone Rosemarie." What is she talking about who's gone?

"Who's gone mom?"

"Your father, he was murdered yesterday Rose. He, Pavel and five of his other guardians were killed when the car they were in exploded."

"Wait... wait a minute. This happened yesterday and you are just telling me now!"

"I'm sorry baby but I thought this was something that needed to be done in person not over the phone."

"It's alright mommy." I said as I pulled her into the hug that I knew she needed. "Just tell me what you know." I told her as I released my hold on her trying to remain calm. But how in the hell was I supposed to be calm when I just found out that my father and uncle were murdered.

"All we know right now is that someone attached a bomb to Abe's car, and when the ignition was activated so was the bomb."

"I... I... I have to go I'm sorry." With that I ran. I ran to the only place that I knew I would be safe and loved. Tears running down my face huge racking sobs escaping my throat, I ran to my soul mate. Throwing open the door I found Dimitri across the gym. When I opened the door he turned to me with a smile on his beautiful face. But as soon as he saw the state I was in it disappeared and he ran to my side just as I began to collapse.

"Roza, Roza, Roza baby what's wrong, what happened?"

"He's gone Dimitri; he's gone, someone killed him."


What the hell is she talking about whose gone?

"My love, who's gone? What are you talking about baby?"

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