Chapter 4

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"Wow that's a lot. How do I make it to where Dimitri can read me like I can read everyone else? And can someone touch the copies?" Of course I intend to share all my powers with Mitya but no one else needs to know that.

"After that power kicks in you'll know how to do it, and yes they can." 

That gave me some kinky ideas. 

"But there is something else that you need to know, as you know a dhampir is half human half moroi but you my precious little girl are not like the others. You are full original vampire and as your soul mate Dimitri will shortly become the same. When Lissa brought you back to life she changed your human half to moroi. Combine that with being shadow kissed makes you an original vampire. Sometime very, very soon you will have to start drinking blood, and as your soul mate so will Dimitri. But the tricky part about that is that you can only drink from each other. So that means that you can never be very far away from each other. Because you will both have to feed more often than moroi. When you need to feed your auras will be the blue I mentioned, like a neon blue. And your blood will be acid to anyone else, strigoi included, except your descendants. The blood of all of your descendants will also be acid to anyone except you two and their descendants. Once they meet their soul mates they will also change, no matter who or what they are to begin with. Also, you will both stop aging when you reach twenty-five as will all your descendants. Rose you and Dimitri are immortal there are only two ways for you or your descendants to die. One is deciding to die, the other, well I will tell you that when it's just the three of us no one else needs that type of information. Especially not when it can be compelled from them."

Turning to Dimitri I see a look of shock on his face. "Mitya, are you ok with all of this?"

"Baby, I will do and be whatever you need me to no matter what that is. And the fact that you can feed from no one but me, well let's just say, that I have absolutely no problem with that What. So. Ever." He laughed and nuzzled my nose with his.

I smiled at him and turned back to baba. "Baba who is responsible for yours, uncle Pavel and the others deaths?"

"A new guardian named Pablo put the bomb under the car, but the one he got his orders from was Randall Ivashkov."

"Wait," looking back to Dimitri I asked, "isn't that your pathetic excuse for a father's name?"

"Yes, Roza. That good for nothing son of a bitch." I could see that Dimitri was fuming putting one of my hands on his heart and one on his head. I thought of his pain disappearing and when I removed my hands he looked like he was calmer and felt more at ease.

"Roza, did you just heal my anger?"

Looking at baba for an answer he nodded his head. "You can do the same with her Dimitri, you can both heal each other and anyone else you wish as I said."

"But wait... if I am a Ivashkov and Dimitri is also genetically a Ivashkov..."

"You don't have to worry about that Rose because Randall was adopted from an orphanage in Romania when he was four years old." Tatiana informed us all.

"Well thank God for that."

Turning to Sergei I said, "find me Pablo and get me Randall Ivashkov's ass here before day break. I don't care if you have to kidnap his ass right out of his own bed, next to whoever he's fucking. If he's not alone bring them too."

He bowed his head and said, "yes boss." Then turned and ran towards the house.

Again I looked at my father, "is that everything I need to know baba?"

"Not even close kiz." He walked up to me and laid a hand on each side of my forehead and said, "I pass on all of my knowledge to you my only child, everything I know you now know. When I receive more information you will instantly know it." There was a brilliant flash of blue white light then I was in Dimitri's arms again.

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