Chapter 7

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"I don't care about that Rose, I'm just so ashamed of all that she has put you and Dimitri through. I knew that she liked and wanted him, that she is freakishly obsessed with him, but I never even imagined she go this far."

"Bro you don't even know the half of it." I quietly mumbled, but apparently no quietly enough. Either that or Dimitri read my mind.

"What are you talking about Roza?" Dimitri asked me.

I didn't answer him I just looked at Yeva. "Вы знаете, что я говорю?" (Do you know what I'm talking about?)

"Da." (yes) I buried my head in my hands and exhaled.

Looking at her again I asked, "Должен ли я сказать им все?" (Should I tell them everything?)


I nodded and began my story. "When I met Tasha at Christmas she cornered me the next day and told me that if I didn't stay the hell ways from 'her Dimka' she'd kill Lissa." 

I heard gasps from everyone. Dimitri was understandable furious, not only could I read his mind but I could feel his emotions, just like I can with Lissa and everyone else. And the change in his posture was a sure give away. Lissa was terrified and Chris was hurt and pissed.

"What else Rose?" Chris asked me.

Again I looked at Yeva and she nodded at me encouraging me to tell it all. "When we were at the ski lodge, she tried to compel me to jump off the cliffs."

"Oh my God!" Vik cried. Bringing a hand up to cover her mouth in shock, tears in her eyes.

"While we were in Spokane, she somehow got in touch with the strigoi that were holding us..." I stopped for a minute to gather my strength and courage.

"Tell them all of it Roza." Yeva said.

I nodded and continued, "she told them that if they would beat me almost to death, before they drained, me she would give them five million dollars. But only if they broke every bone in my body in several places and made sure that I knew that it happened because that is what she wanted. They of course agreed, but as you know it didn't happen. When we got back to St. Vlad's she tried to get someone else to compel me to hang myself in the gym, so that it would be Dimitri that found my body. Being shadowkissed it was almost impossible to compel me, only very strong spirit users could do it. Neither Lissa nor Adrian are strong enough to do it, but Tasha didn't know that. Now it is impossible to compel me, but I didn't want to take any chances with her possibly being able to compel Dimitri. I didn't know if he received that power when I did or not. Anyway, when that didn't work... she told me that she would put out a hit on my mom. Which is why I tried to stay away from Dimitri unless it was guardian or school related. When I stopped avoiding Dimitri she called me and told me that she was sending every strigoi that she knew to attack the school. I thought that she was just trying to scare me, but she did it. That is why the attack happened. She has done everything she could think of to keep me away from Dimitri." 

By this time I was crying. Turning to Dimitri I said, "I'm so sorry Comrade I didn't know what else to do. She's a royal and at the time I was just a plan dhampir." Dimitri just shook his head and took me into his arms for a moment.

Dimitri looked at my mom and said, "you see what I mean about protecting everyone else?" My mother nodded at him.

"Yea, we are definitely going to kill her." Chris said.

"We can't that would be cold blooded murder." I told him.

Chris jumped up knocking his chair over and began to pace around the room. "I DON'T FUCKING CARE! She threatened the life of not only the woman I love, but also your mother, my baby sister and everyone at St. Vlad's, and caused almost fifty deaths and God only knows how many were turned because of her!" Chris screamed. "She is as good as fucking dead as soon as I lay eyes on her."

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