Chapter 19

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"Are... are you serious?"

"Yes Ellen, she is deadly serious."

"Wow, would you mind telling me how this came about?" She motioned for us to sit down.

"I will soon but for right now could you have Alberta, Yuri, Emil, Celeste and Dr. Oldenzki come in?"

"Yes of course, give me just a moment." She called Alberta and asked for the afore mentioned people to come to her office.

As we sat in her office waiting we chatted about the past. "Ellen, I wish you'd told me how you cared. It would have made my life so much easier. But I can see why you didn't before Lissa and I left I was a bit of a rebellious one."

"I'm sorry Rose, you are right I should have told you. And I'm sorry for the way I reacted when you came back. It just brought all my fears about your being missing back to the forefront of my mind."

"It's alright, I forgive you."

"I never would have really sent you away, you know."

I smiled at her, "I probably would have made a bigger scene if Lissa hadn't been sending me calming thoughts through the bond. And the looks from Dimitri helped immeasurably to calm me, just as they always have." I answered her as I turned to look at my husband.

"Yes, I saw that as soon as it happened. I watched you two very carefully you know." Looking at Dimitri she said, "I hated the way you treated her after the lust charm. And yes I figured out it was a lust charm and not an attack charm. Always pushing her away then pulling her back, then pushing her away again. It was enough to give me whiplash, I don't know how she didn't just beat the crap out of you. I know I wanted to."

We laughed, "that's true, I treated her deplorably and I regret that so much. I will never be able to make it up to her no matter what I say or do." Turning to me he said, "I am so very sorry my love."

"I know and I forgave you a long time ago my darling. And I love you too Mitya." As we continued to chat there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Ellen answered. The door opened to reveal; Alberta, Yuri, Celeste, Emil and Dr. Oldenzki.

"Everyone please come in and take a seat." Everyone did as she asked.

Once everyone was seated I began, "first I would like to say thank you to each and every one of you. Since I was five years old all of you have looked after and cared for me as family. And for that I want to thank you." Turning to Dimitri I said, "Mitya?" He handed me the envelopes flipping through them I found the one to the school. "Today my husband and I are making a donation to St. Vlad's. We only ask that this money be used exclusively to upgrade all the dhampir and non-royal facilities. Training equipment that is out of date broken or damaged in anyway needs to be replaced. Also, we would like it if you would install a few different obstacle courses around campus. To help the guardians, and novices alike, train on different terrain. We would like every aspect of the dhampir and non-royals lives to be as advanced and looked after as the royals. Soon there will be a law passed that will allow moroi to train to fight physically and magically. We would like it if this donation also went to whatever needs to be done in that department." Then I handed Ellen the envelope addressed to St. Vlad's.

She opened it and gasped, looking from me and Dimitri she asked, "is... is this for real?"

Dimitri answered, "yes Ellen, it is."

"Every year you will receive an exact replica of this donation with the same conditions."

"Rose, I realize you are about to be queen but where did you get this kind of money?"

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