Chapter 14

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"As I love you my darling." Pulling her flush against my body I kissed her until we both were getting dizzy from lack of oxygen.

With ragged breaths we both said, "I love you." Then I walked out of the room to get ready.

After I was dressed the guys all saw the jewelry Roza asked me to wear. "Dimitri why are you wearing a bracelet and a necklace? I mean don't get me wrong it all looks great together I'm just wondering." Mason said.

"Simple. Roza asked me to and I'll do anything to make her happy."

"Dude you are so whipped." Chris said.

I looked at him and asked with a raised eyebrow, "are you going stand there and to try and tell me. That if Lissa asked you to wear jewelry you wouldn't do it?"

"Now wait a minute I didn't say that. I would do whatever it takes to make my princess happy."

"And you said he was whipped dude your just as bad." Eddie said.

Christian and I turned to him and I said, "so are you. If Mia asked it of you, you would do the same."

He begrudgingly admitted, "yea, I know. All three of us would do whatever it took to make our women happy."

Adrian and Mason laughed at the three of us. "If I were you two I wouldn't be laughing. Adrian, I've seen the way you look at my baby sister Victoria."

He gulped and said in a squeaky voice, "you saw that?" I grinned and nodded at him. "I'm sorry dude but she's just so... so... hell I don't even know. But she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I would gladly throw myself in front of her if anything or anyone ever tried to hurt her."

I clasped him on the shoulder and said, "Adrian my friend, that is what is called love." I told him and both Christian and Eddie nodded their agreement. "Plus Roza and I can see it in your aura's."

"Are you saying she feels the same way?!" He asked excitedly. I just smiled at him and watched him jump into the air and pump his arms screaming, "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Now I'm the odd man out." Mason said dejectedly.

"Don't worry Mason, Roza and I know who your soul mate is. We've already met her and you will before long. But you need to be very careful with her because she is younger than you by three years. I will give you a hint though she goes to St. Vlad's"

"Three years you say?"

"Yes, but don't try to figure it out because you will never guess who she is." I laughed. I know Roza is trying to figure out how to tell Lissa she has a little sister. "Ok, I'm ready. Sergei could you show me to the office I have something I need to do."

"Right this way."

He showed me to Abe's office and it was huge. It was also beautiful; I didn't know if Roza would ever be able to step foot inside without thinking of her father. But whether she could or not it didn't matter because I will always be there for her. I will be her anchor in times of need, I will lift her up when she needs to be lifted up, I will carry her when she cannot stand. And I will love her for eternity with every piece of me my heart, my mind, my body and my soul. 

Sitting down I carried out my task, being sure to put the correct names on each of the envelopes. I know the only reason she was giving Kirova this was because she looked into my memories and saw what Ellen had said and done the day we left. The other guardians that she was gifting at St. Vlad's had always treated her with love and respect and this was the only way she knew how to return that. They had all had a hand in raising her and she loved them all just as they did her.

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