Mind Games...

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Dustin: Derrick? why is he calling? you?

Y/N: (whisper)shhh.. I saw him tonight and I gave him my number so we can catch up on things. why are you acting like this?

Dustin: Acting like what?!

Y/N: would you keep your voice down?! There's no need for the attitude.

Dustin: I don't like him Y/N

Y/N: Why?

Dustin: I just didn't like him when he was with you and he broke up with you.

Y/N: first off i broke up with him. Second don't worry about what i do because i'm done trying to worry about you and yours.

Dustin: So we're bringing Gina back in this convo?!

Y/N: no you are. I'm going to sleep on the couch goodnight. Have fun with your hand.

Y/N leaves the room and slams his bedroom door. Dustin was upset but he wanted Y/N so bad. He thought about going out there to pick her up put her against the wall and kiss her but he knew Y/N was not that type of woman to be handled rough.

so he just decided answer Gina's call and head over to her place.

The next morning. Y/N had woke up from her alarm. she had to get up and get ready to take Dustin to Anger management class. She turns over and sees flowers with a card that says "I'm sorry". She sat up and yawned. She got up and took a shower. After her shower she went to Dustin's room she still had some old clothes in his closet. She grabbed them and headed back the bathroom. As soon as she opened the Dustin popped up.

Y/N: (gasp)

Dustin: Hey Good Morning

Y/N: morning

She walked around him and went to the bathroom.

Y/N tried to put on small sweatpant but they were too tight her shirt was very fitted so she kept the shirt on.

Y/N: (talking to herself) ugh no i just had grow an ass huh?

she poked her head out the bathroom.

Y/N: Miss Adrian!

Miss Adrian: yes?

Y/N: do you have any pants i could fit?

Miss Adrian: I think so hold on.

Miss Adrian knocked on the bathroom door.

Miss Adrian: here you go honey i hope it fits.

Y/N: thanks.

She put on the jeans that miss adrian gave her. Her outfit made her curves show a lot. She came out the bathroom combing out her hair that she washed which was very curly. she took a bandana and made it into a head band. once she got to the kitchen all eyes were on her.

Y/N: What?

Bryan: man i wish you had a sister.

Y/N: lol shut up...good moring to ya'll to.

Boys: Gooood Morning.

Dustin: Did you see the flowers i got you?

Y/N: Um yes...thanks.

Carnell: were ya'll arguing last night?

Dustin: something like that

Y/N: sorry guys we didn't mean to wake ya'll up.

Patrick: shit i don't know about ya'll but i was knocked the fuck lol

Y/N: true... you are a heavy sleeper.

everyone laughed and ate their breakfast.

Dustin: Are you ready to go?

Y/N: Its still early.

Dustin: I just want to talk to you for a little bit before i go to  this class.

Y/N: Oh..k

Y/N grabbed her purse and Dustin's keys to his car. They left the house and got in the car. As they drove off Dustin was getting nervous. Y/N notice and was shock to see him like that.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Dustin: Man I don't know if i can do this Skinny.

Y/N: Its going to be alright Dusty. They're not going to judge you. Just be yourself.

Dustin: why do make everything so positive?

Y/N: you always have to stay positive.

Dustin: That's why your my bestfriend.

Y/N arrived at the anger managment place but they had sometime to kill.

Y/N: (sigh) Dustin

Dustin: whats up?

Y/N: About last night were we on a best friend level or more?

Dustin: um idk...you were drunk and i wasn't thinking straight...it was nothing.

Y/N: So  the fact that you snapped out when Derrick called me was jealousy or protecting me?

Dustin: (looks out the window) yeah i was protecting you.

Y/N: look at me

Dustin looked at her.

Dustin: (sigh) what?

Y/N got closer to him. Dustin clinched his teeth.

Y/N: how do you feel right now?

Dustin: what do you mean?

Dustin was trying to hold back his feelings.

Y/N: you don't feel anything?

Dustin: what do you want me to feel?

Dustin was getting nervous he wanted to kiss her so bad.

Y/N: this vibe. I keep getting this feeling like i want to...

Dustin: to what?

Y/N: to... (gets closer)

Dustin: (licks his lips and voice gets lower) to what?

Y/N: (looks at the time) Oh its time for you to go to your class. i'm sorry.

Dustin: (clears his throat) its cool i better go.

Y/N: okay I'll see you later.

Dustin: alright.

Friends or More than Friends (A y/n and Dustin Breeding story)Where stories live. Discover now