Chapter 3

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* Theo's P.O.V. *

She put Her hair in a ponytail While braking the silence.

"Look, Theo." she began.

"I know you want what's best for me. and your my best friend, so you should....."

I Stopped paying attention. "Best friend?" I whispered not loud enough for her to hear me. that's it? just friends? nothing more?

I felt my heart drop and then I heard her voice say, "But Don't worry about me I'll be fine."

I saw how her tears wanted to stream out but she wouldn't allow it.

"Rem. I KNOW what best for you. I KNOW you have wanted this your whole life, to be on stage and rock the night away, to travel and tour the world."

I remembered her telling me that once before when we were younger.

"That was The middle of 8th grade.. How did you remember that?" she said in a surprised tone, laughing.

"Its Just my job..I'm your best friend" I said quietly.

She looked amazed that I remembered. We starred into each others eyes. I looked at her lips and put my forehead upon hers.. Tragically, I heard a buzzing noise ruining the moment. Was my phone ringing?

"Its me." Remy said. "Hello?"

While she was on the phone, I went into thought. I still couldn't believe that all I was to her was a friend. But, oh well, if a best friend is what she wanted, then a best friend is what she would get. I would be the best-est damn friend in the world. She needed me and I needed her. Her happiness is all I want. Remington brought me back to reality.

"Well, she wants me home."

**Note : (she: Remingtion's mom)**

"Okay, want me to walk you?"

Since Band practice was held at my house all the time and Remington lived in the little teal house next the apartments across the street. She shook her head and grabbed her duffle bag and guitar.

"Okay. So See you tomorrow.. umm call you in the morning?" she said with her cell phone in her hand.

I said yes and embraced her with a tight hug. Then we went our separate ways.

* Remington's P.O.V *

I walked home to thinking about what had just happened. All Theo did was try to help me. All Theo EVER does it try to help me. he's truly the best there was.

I don't know why I was being so selfish. He would give me rides places, loan me money, when ever I needed it, watch Lennex and Ryan for me if I was working or whatever else. I never really thanked properly. I arrived home and shook off my thoughts. I quickly ran straight up the stairs to my room, Stuck my guitar under the floor boards under my dresser, hung up my jacket. Then I smelt something burning I Quickly ran down stairs to investigate.

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