Chapter 12

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"* Remington's P.O.V.*

The chanting was so loud. I love it! The crowd was huge, I love it!

The press was there and they were asking us question's while we signed our fans notebooks, phones, journals, etc.

*Meg's P.O.V. *

"Look at this...why aren't they doing this for us?" said Sally, the dumb blonde that does what ever she's told.

"Because we don't have a sad sob story." i said. I suddenly had an idea.

"I have a brilient idea!" She said as she walked over to Remington and the rest of her band.

I admit, Infinite Republic, they were good. But i was the queen of the school. Everyone looked up to me. I had expectations to fulfill, and Remington was in my way. Even though she didn't have many friends, she dressed like an emotionally depressed person (always wearing black), and she was labeled a "freak", She was ballsy, a badass. She could take my spot with just a change of the way she dresses. She was intimadating to me. I couldn't let her take the only thing that i cared about, The only thing that spreates me from everyone else, my reputation. So i won't take a chance, she needs to go.

* Remington's P.O.V. *

"How does all of this make you feel?" The interveiwer asked in his I-gotta-make-these-people-think-i'm-a-nice-guy-so-i-get-a-lot-of-vewings kinda voice.

I smiled at my thoughts and answered, "It feels like a dream, all of it. My brother, the concert, everything." I said between open journals.

"And we couldn't," Ash started before the interveiwer shoved the mic in his face, "thank these guys more. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH, MANCHSTER." shouted Aston, our bassist. The crowed roared. Then, I felt Theo's elbow plug in my bicep, i looked and him and he gestured towords the army of the Six Chix coming from the side entrance. I rolled my eyes because you can basically smell the bullshit that embedded in their attitudes wherever they go.

"What do yo-" the interweiwer started but, was he inturputed by, yours truly, Meg.

"Well, hello. Fancy meeting you here." She said emphasizing "you". i just stared at her. She had the same smile and the interveiwer had been, when asking us questions.

"Really? because I don't fancy it at all." Mumbled Oddy. Meg looked at her and rolled her eyes. The band chuckled.

"Well, how's you dear little brother? I hope he's doing well." She asked in a sarcastic tone. I knew it was sarcastic because of her wink at the end. This bitch. I wasn't going to let her get to me though. Especially in front of my fans. I wasn't about to ruin their day.

"He's, uh, He's doing OK. Can i talk to you over here, Meg?" i asked and i yanked her arm towards the door, away from everyone. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked very bluntly.

"So you think, cause you and you're band have these fans, You're better than everyone else?" She ended with a mean glare.

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm ju-" She cut me off.

"You don't deserve these fans. They just feel sorry for you and you sob story of a brother."

I was enraged. I pushed her and Theo came and pulled me back. No one saw it wasn't a HUGE scene.

I shook from Theo grasp.

"Don't you dare talk about my brother. You have know idea what the hell my family and i am going through. Let alone anyone else. Stop acting li-" She cut me off again, But i wasn't going to let her win. "No. Stop doing that. Stop interupting me, Stop acting like you're better, because you're NOT, no one is. You're always going to find someone who's better then you. Better looking, better at sports or whatever. It dosen't mean you're not good, but you can't give them hell because they're better, so just Stop and grow the fuck up. Stay the fuck away from me." I said and i walked away. I felt so good telling her off.

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