Never Leave My Side (Chapter Twenty Nine)

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*Sapphire's POV* 

I smiled to myself as I sat with Tori at the hospital, watching the boys take pictures with the fans who promised to keep it secret they were here.

I know I shouldn't  forgive Niall so easily, but how could I not? He's been my best mate for  countless years, and I love him. Sure, he will have a lot of making up to do, but I don't care about that. What matters is that he is here now, and if he wants to walk away again, I'll let him, but I won't make it easy. 

I shook my thoughts away when Niall started to walk towards me with a girl about our age trailing behind him. "Hey, what's up?" I asked when he stopped in front of me.

"Jasmine needs to ask you a question." He said, stepping to the side to show the girl who walked over here.

"Hey." I smiled, noticing how nervous she seemed.

"Hi." She smiled back, seeming to calm down a bit. 

"What's up?" I asked.

She looked down to her feet, fidgeting with her fingers. "Um..." 

I chuckled and stood up. "You don't need to be nervous. I promise I won't attack you." I told her.

She looked up and chuckled. "Well, I was uh... I was wandering if I um... Could get a picture with Niall, and if I could kiss his cheek?" She asked nervously. 

I smiled and held my hand out. "Of course." I looked at him. "You better not like it too much." I said playfully. 

He laughed, "oh, I won't. I'll love it." He said. I stuck my tongue out at him and he grabbed it between his thumb and index finger. "You better put that away. You are not Miley Cyrus." 

Jasmine started laughing as she handed me her phone. "You guys are so adorable." 

I smacked his hand away and chuckled at him. "Thanks." We both said together. 

"Alright, Niall, because you're like a giant compared to us shorter people, you need to bend down so she can kiss your cheek." I said, grabbing his shoulder to make him lean down. "Perfect." I walked back a little and held up the phone. "Ready?"

Jasmine stood on her toes and placed a kiss to Niall cheek as I took the picture. "How was that?" Niall asked. 

I looked at the picture, "well, she looks good." I said smirking at him. 

Jasmine snickered and took her phone back, looking at the picture. "Thank you." 

Niall walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me as Jasmine walked away. "You're mean." He said frowning at me.

I smiled and kissed his chin, making a smile spread to his lips. 

He looked down into my eyes for a few minutes. "I missed you, love." He said, placing a kiss to my lips softly.

We heard a chorus of 'awes' come from the boys, and the girls around them. 

I blushed and hid my face in his chest. We stayed this way until I heard a doctor calling a name I wasn't expecting. "Michael James?" 

I felt my chest tighten as a young doctor was looking around, holding a clip board in his hands. "Do we have a Michael James?"

I pulled away from Niall, and slowly walked towards the young doctor. I felt some one grab my hand when I got closer. I turned around and smiled to see Niall walking behind me. 

The doctor quit calling when we got to him. "Yes?" I asked quietly. 

The doctor looked me up and down. "You're Michael?" 

Niall tensed next to me when the doctor looked at me that way. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before speaking again. "I'm his daughter." He cleared his throat and looked around again. "Don't look too hard for him, you won't find him." I sighed sadly. 

"And why is that?" He asked rudely.

I looked down, feeling tears come to my eyes. I used my free hand to wipe away the few that fell down my cheeks. 

Niall spun me around and held me close to him. "You really need to be a little more considerate." He spat at the doctor.

"I was just asking where Michael James was." The doctor said defensively.

Niall leaned down to whisper to me. "Do you want me to tell him?"

"Yes please." I whispered back. 

Niall placed a kiss to my temple before standing up right again. "He passed away a few years ago." Niall told him. 

I clutched onto Niall's shirt as more tears fell from my eyes. "Oh. Um... I'll be right back." He mumbled and walked away. 

Niall hugged me close to him, soothing me while I cried into his chest. "Is everything alright?" I heard Zayn ask as he got closer to us. 

Niall shrugged. "I think everything is okay. The doctor was really rude." He sighed. "He kept asking for her dad." 

"Awe. Baby. Come here." Zayn said, pulling me away from Niall. 

I chuckled when Niall gasped and tried to pull me back. Zayn turned his body to block me from Niall. "Zayn..." I heard Liam walking up behind me. "Give her back." He said, talking as if telling a dog to "drop it". 

Zayn sighed and let Niall pull me back into his arms. Liam smiled, "good boy, Zayn." He said, about to pat the top of Zayn's head.

Zayn grabbed Liam's wrist and and frowned. "Really Liam? You. Of all people should know-"

Liam sighed, "yeah, yeah. "Don't touch the hair." I got it." He mocked and pulled his wrist away. 

We all turned to the sound of feet hitting the ground, heading this way. Doctor Kings smiled as he got closer. I was relieved they didn't send the other doctor back. "Hello boys." He smiled at them before looking at me. "Sapphire, can I speak with you?" He asked. 

I nodded and pulled away from Niall to walk down the hall with Dr. Kings. 

*Daniel's POV* 

"Are you okay?" I asked Hannah when she sighed next to me. 

She looked at me sadly. "You know... I do have to go home soon." She said.

I shook my head and wrapped my arms around her. "Nope. You can't leave. You will stay here forever!" I protested.

Hannah laughed and pecked me cheek. "I wish I could, but my parents would never allow it."

I frowned. "That's not fair. I'm going to write them a strongly worded letter." I told her.

Tori chuckled, "yes. Do that. Because that will certainly get you brownie points."

"Brownies?" Niall asked excited as he sat in a chair close to us. 

All of us laughed at him. "Are you hungry, Niall?" My dad asked after he quit laughing. 

"Probably. We haven't eaten since lunch." Louis said, sitting next to him. 

Mum stood up, "what would you boys like? I'll go pick you up something to eat." 

They were about to protest, but Demetry spoke up. "Don't try changing her mind. She is in full mother mode right now." He laughed.

Liam stood up, "I'll just go with you. I know what they like, and I'm not letting you pay." 

Mum smiled, "we'll see about that. Come on." 

Demetry and I looked at each other and smirked. We're pretty much positive mum will win. She's really good at getting her way.

Why do you think my dad got stuck with her?


That was just a joke. They're so in love it's gross sometimes. 


Alright. Sorry for the late update. Been busy with sleep and food. Ummm. I started a Narry story it's called "I Won't Give Up" You may want to check it out. It's pretty good from what I hear. Haha. Please vote for a maybe faster update. Thank you!!

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