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CYNTHIA'S BLACK SCRUBS made her look more like she was part of the Addams Family rather than someone on their trial.

She would have had orange scrubs, like she should, but they had none, and black was the only thing lying around. They were quite baggy on her; Cynthia being a size medium in most clothing, and these scrubs being large.

Cynthia rubbed her crossed arms together as she shivered, the morning sun just now rising. She had woken up from a nightmare a few hours before; which Cynthia gave up on trying to go back to sleep, instead asking Beck to take her to the balcony that she'd get the best view of the sunrise. She knew she sounded picky, and snobby, but she didn't care.

"You shouldn't be out here without a coat," A voice came from behind her, and Cynthia turned her head, seeing Steve walk over, wearing a sweatshirt.

"Yeah, well, this is hardly cold anyway," Cynthia replied, trying to brush it off. Truth be told, she was freezing.

"Your goosebumps say otherwise," Steve replied, making Cynthia chuckle and turn back towards the sunset. They had the most interactions with each other, except for Sam and Wanda, and Beck. She had become quite close with Wanda, wanting to know more and more about her powers, and where they stemmed from.

The two were quiet were a few moments as the sun rose; illuminating everything in its path. "The sunrise and sunsets were something I never appreciated before my time in HYDRA. It's weird, how much you appreciate everything more after being locked up for half a year." Cynthia said out loud to no one in particular.

"I slept . . . I slept for 70 years under ice, not realizing that I had been missing so much. I mean . . . Food tastes nicer, everyone says we won the war, and there's so many museums with information about me, it feels overwhelming sometimes." Steve rambled as well. "I understand where you're coming from. I wish we didn't have to shove you in a jail cell."

"Yet, you are." Cynthia sighed in response. "I'd hate for my son having to go through that again, even though he's an adult."

"What's his name?" Steve asked curiously, and it took a few moments for Cynthia to reply, but when she did, she said in a quiet voice, "I call him Jamie, as a nickname. The name I didn't write down on his birth certificate, but gave him, was James Edward Hayes."

"So he did take your last name." Steve put his hands in his pocket, running his fingers over the ring in his pocket. The ring he had managed to get Sharon to steal from Bucky's bag. "You know, the both of you have done an amazing job at staying hidden."

"A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do." Was all Cynthia said in response.

Steve opened his mouth to speak, but a loud whoosing noise interrupted him. The two looked up, and a chuckle left Cynthia's mouth, and the two looked down, and back at each other. "Sam sure likes his wings, doesn't he?" Cynthia jokingly asked, and Steve cracked a smile.

"What I was going to say, was that I saw how upset you were when you realized we didn't have Bucky's ring." Steve started saying, Cynthia's face tensing. "But, I managed to get an old friend of mine's niece to snag his bag that he tried to get away with. We have all the contents, currently, but I managed to sneak away a photo and his ring."

Cynthia's face lit up, and Steve took his hands out of his pockets, handing Cynthia the warm ring, and the slightly bent picture. "Knew I had been missing this picture," Cynthia mumbled to herself, earning a teary smile out of herself as she looked at the picture of her, Bucky, Jamie, Maisie, and Millie in front of a Christmas tree. Both Jamie and Maisie were still little babies, Bucky holding Jamie in his lap, and Millie sitting next to him, doing the same pose with Maisie. Cynthia was sitting next to Bucky and grinning a wide smile.

"An old friend, huh?" Cynthia asked, and Steve looked down, and before he could say anything, Cynthia said, "My friend . . . Peggy got me out of HYDRA's jail. She . . . Helped me out, a lot, and I haven't been able to see her."

"She uh . . . She died," Steve quietly said, and Cynthia let out a small, "oh," Before turning towards the railing of the balcony. Cynthia slipped Bucky's ring over one of her fingers, the ring running up and down her thin fingers.

"I wasn't invited to the funeral," Cynthia quietly said. "I probably wasn't wanted there, anyway. Her family didn't like me at all, especially when my presence was known at her husband's funeral."

Steve let out a huff of a laugh; saying, "Yeah, I also found out that Sharon, my . . . Friend, girlfriend, I don't really know, was her niece. How awkward, huh?"

This time, Cynthia laughed, gripping the picture tightly. "How awkward. Smooching her aunt in the 40s, and then her niece, now."

Hearing that made Steve laugh, and Beck approached the two on the balcony. "Hey, sorry to break your guys' moment, but I was sent here to get Cynthia, she's needed for more questioning." Beck told the two, and Cynthia nodded, stepping away from the railing, and asking, "Can I stop by my room very fast?"

Beck nodded, the two bidding goodbye to Steve, who waved in response.

"So, she was his secret."

( edited 5/15/18 )

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