Chapter 34

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After the negotiation was over, and everything was more or less settled down, we all returned to the Kremlin Palace. The two generals were offered a base to assemble their army outside the city. The other parliament representatives, though reluctant to the idea of joining our mortal enemy, finally accepted my sister's decree. They had no choice but to act civilized for the sake of peace.

Alex and I wanted a private moment just between us, sisters. We went into our father's office. My sister closed the doors and then she came to give me an unabashed long hug. I was a bit surprised by her sisterly affection. It had been so many decades since we'd ever shown it to each other. I felt like a child again, but in a way, I was still the same baby sister in her eyes.

Alexandra had changed a lot, too. The older sister, whom I grew up with, had somehow emerged from the depth of a cold-hearted one once again. Thanks to Avery. It's amazing how love does to people.

"I'm glad you came back, sister," she said. I nodded with a smile. "We were so worried about you. I tried every which way possible to find you, believe me, I really did."

I shook my head.

"It's alright, Alex," I said. "Now I'm here. Nothing to beat yourself up about."

She looked me over again, and her dark brow knitted with questions.

"What are you wearing, Anastasia?" she asked. "I almost couldn't recognize you at first."

"Vale gave them to me. It's the hunter outfits," I told her.


"Valerina," I said. "She's the Beta of the Hunter. She saved my life."

"What happened?" Alex asked with a frown. "I thought Konstantin had found you."

"He did," I said grimly. "And he tried to kill me."

"What?" she cried, eyes widened in disbelief.

"He'd been working for the Kaiser in secret."

"He's a turncoat?"

"Probably also a spy."

"Damn it! I knew there was something fishy about him. Where is he now?"

"He's dead. I killed him, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to stop the hunters from killing you."

But Alex had a look of trying to register everything.

"I already knew the Hunters would come," she said after a while. "I just didn't expect they came with the Cossacks. To be honest, we couldn't take them down easily if the fight really broke out, so I am in debt to you, sister."

"Well," I said, smiling. "I'm just glad everyone is fine."

Then we smiled at each other. Alex sighed again.

"Avery misses you, Anastasia," she told me. "We all do."

"I know." I nodded.

"I hope everything is alright with you," Alex said in an apologetic tone. "I don't want to live with the thought of you still resenting us."

"No sister, I have no resentment or regrets," I told her honestly. "Believe me, there's nothing to forgive. I had accepted it and moved on. You both are not at fault."

She stared at me as if searching for something in my mind.

"You seem more like your old self again," Alex noted with her keen look. "I wonder if some hunter girl has been taking a great care of you, Anastasia."

There was a teasing glint in her eyes, and I couldn't help laughing.

"I hate to admit that you're right."

Anastasia Romanov |Lesbian Story| (The Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now