They found us

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It's 6.00 Pm , time to leave.
I'm terrified to step outside of this gas station, what if they've been waiting for me outside?
No, they couldn't. They possible couldn't have waited for me outside the gas station for 6 hours. Or could've they?
Anyway, time to leave.
The nice cashier, whos name is Colton. Has called the police and they're already on their way to the river where i saw the body.

ut the two man could've moved the body, when they realized i would call the police.
Colton went outside first because i told him that i was scared, no one was outside. We went in the car and left.
We where driving back in a forest road, suddenly we hit something and the car flew in a dike. Luckyly we didn't get hurt, but when we got out the car it started burning. We looked for signs of us hitting something but we never found anything.
It was really dark, we had one flashlight but, it didn't help that much. We called for help once but his phone ran out of battery so we just started walking.
Suddenly we heared a car.
We ran to the middle of the road and started waving our hands and shouting "HELLOO WE'RE HERE! PLEASE HELP US!"
*The car stopped*
Then i relized that it was the same car as i had seen earlier, it was the two man who threw the body in the river. I was scared, i sayed "RUN!" To Colton.
We couldn't run to the forest because there was a HUGE dike wich had water in it, between the road and the forest.
We knew they'd catch us.
They hit him with the car.
I fell on the ground and looked at him, there was a skrach on his head, it wasn't that deep but still a skratch.
I started crying, i grabbed him started pulling him tho i was lying on the ground too. He wasn't awake.
The two man came out of the car, they walked slowly behind me, they laughed. One of them kicked me, the other one grabbed my leg. I screamed "NOO! GET OFF I DON'T WANT TO DIE! PLEASE! " He let go of my leg and sayed "Ok, i'll let go... don't scream, hurts my ears. So, my name is Iivar, and he is  Asbjorn." Then the other man, Asbjorn, sayed "And we know who you are, Anna and Colton"
They left, went back in the car. I got up and shouted "HEY! THAT ALL YOU GOT!? I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!" And right when i sayed it, i regreted saying it. I was scared again. They heared me, but stayed in the car. They started drving fast towards me. I started running.


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