Chapter 4: This Is No Joke

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Natsu's POV

After Lucy ran away, I turned to pick Wendy up and onto my back. "Do you think Lushee will be okay? We were a bit harsh in her." Happy worried. "She'll be fine. She probably went back to Fairytail. I just can't be bothered to deal with her right now. Let's go get Wendy some help." I sneered. I don't know why I was so angry. Lucy was the reason those guys attacked us, and she didn't even get hurt! They hurt my family and friends; Lucy must have done something terrible.

Narrator's POV

But what the group of teens didn't know, something else was brewing in the enemy's plan. That purple mist that replaced the dark guild's group beforehand wasn't just a means of escape, but a hate spell, making the receiver hate whoever's hair strand was placed in the explosive potion.

Lucy's POV

As the children around me chattered and panicked to get me food, I felt an overwhelming amount of magic power overcome, what turned out to be, a room in their guildhall. The child silenced themselves and Minerva, Yukino, Rogue and Sting rushed out of the room. "What are they doing?" I raised an eyebrow at the door, asking the two little exceeds sitting either side of me on the bed. "Master has returned from his meeting with the King, so they've gone to greet him. And probably tell him about you." Lector explained, Sting's exceed. We had exchanged our casual introductions while the humans were freaking out. "Their master meets with the king? Wow, he must be important." I gasped, trying to keep my voice down. "Not really, but the King has given master a special mission." Frosc, Rogue's exceed, added. "What is the mission?" I ask, reaching for the glass of water they had left for me. "We don't know." Lector shrugged. "It's classified." Fro added. "Oh?" I grew more curious about this lowly guild as I drank the water Yukino had poured for me before everything got so hectic.

Suddenly, we heard a booming voice from the other side of the door. "YOU WHAT?!" The voice exclaimed, loud, stomping footsteps heading in our direction following it. They stopped for only a moment as their owner opened the door. There stood a buff man with a long grey beard, expensive-looking robes, and a large, beaded necklace. He froze for a moment, looking at my person then reaching in the pocket of his robes, pulling out a sheet of canvas paper. It seemed as if he were comparing whoever was painted on it to me.

After a while, he gasped, his eyes growing large with shock. "Are you okay, sir?" I rushed over to him, squinting at the pain in my side. He didn't answer, too busy with his own thoughts as he stared down at me. "Get me the king!" He turned and shouted to whoever was listening in the hall.

Soon, who I suspected the master of this guild, left as everyone scurried around to prepare the hall for royals. I had followed the man out with weak legs. "Um, what's going on?" I whispered to Yukino as she and the children I was talking with earlier sat at the side to get out of everyone's way. "They are making sure the guild is in tip-top conditions for the king." She explained. "Why is he coming?" I asked them. Sting and Rogue looked shocked for a moment as they looked at each other again. "Lucy, do you know who your family is?" Minerva asked as Sting and Rogue looked too pained to say anything. "You're asking me as if I know." I laughed as they all showed me concern glances. "No, I was left at an orphanage in Magnolia when I was a baby. The nuns told me stories, but it's not like they were real." I explained to try as ease their woes, used to the manic surroundings thanks to Fairytail. The summary of my past didn't seem to do anything to calm them.

"What were the stories?" Yukino asked, curiosity in her eyes. "It sounds silly now, but when they told me I was given to them by palace guards on pristine white horses, I really believed it." I smiled sadly, remembering simpler days. "Lucy, the nuns were telling the truth," Rogue stated seriously, looking me right in the eye. "Haven't you heard nuns aren't supposed to lie? Its a sin or something." Sting added. "Even if that's true, who the hell could my parents be?" I sulked, resting my chin on my closed fist. "The King." Rogue and Sting stated blankly like it was only for them to say.

After staring at them for a moment, I burst out laughing, clutching my injury. "Wow, yeah. The orphan who didn't even tell their second family that they were one; is the daughters of the King of Fiore. Nice joke." I nod my head sarcastically, slightly offended that they would joke about that. "They are not joking, Lucy-sama. You really are the princess of Fiore. Sister of Hisui Fiore,-." Sting quickly jumped over the table to shut Yukino up before she could finish her sentence.

I got up in utter disbelief. "Hold on a minute. Why would I believe you, we just met after you practically kidnapped me." I gestured to Rogue. "There's no way I could be a princess. I just got kicked out of my team and my best friend attacked me. We got attacked by a dark guild who said..." I paused, realising something. "They were specifically looking for me. Natsu said that they were dangerous. Who the hell were they?" I slap my forehead, sitting down and putting my head in my arms. My mind was drawing a blank. "They would probably be Moonlight secrets. Am I correct?" Rogue asked as Minerva started beating Sting for 'attacking' their friend a moment before. "H-How did you know?" My head shot up in surprise. "They've been after the lost princess of Fiore since the beginning. It's why The King sent you into hiding." Sting told me, bruised by his senior. "S-So... He really is... My father?.." I looked into space, trying to comprehend the situation. "Not only that! Sting and Rogue are your brothers!" Yukino announced, not being able to hold back any longer.

Suddenly, the grand doors opened to let sunlight stream onto the still panicking guild. We all span around to see the King, surrounded by guards. "Where is she? Where's my daughter?" The King panicked, looking around. Sting helped me up, holding my arm and hand, as my wound was hurting again, Rogue bowing beside me. "Father!" Sting got his attention and the old man looked over, tears in his eyes. "Lucy?" His voice broke at the mention of my name. "Are you really?.. Are you really my father?" I got Sting to let go of me, although he was hesitant, and stepped forward. "Look how beautiful you are. And your magic power is immense. I can feel it from here." He laughed, a sad smile on his face. Having missed out on his supposed daughter's entire childhood made him regret his decisions to send her away. "Your mother would've been so proud." He teared up again. "Wh-What happened to you?" He panicked, looking down at my ripped shirt and blood-drenched clothes. "My friends and I were attacked by a dark guild by the name of Moonlight Secrets. These girls have informed me of the situation." I held my side weakly, resting on the edge of a table that was near me after walking up to the King. "That doesn't matter now. All that I care about is that our family is together and happy. Now come, we must treat that and get you comfortable. Guards! A coat for my daughter!" He announced and a guard literally took the coat from his back and put it upon my shoulders. He had a scar running over his left eye and grin on his lips, an intimidating aura around him though. 

As Sting, Rogue, the King and I travelled back to the palace in a fancy, roofed carriage, the King introduced his head guard. "Lucy, this is Arcadios, head of the royal guard. He will be in charge of your safety for the time being. If you have any questions while I'm not around, ask him." He said and we nodded to each other. "It is a pleasure to meet you, sir." I bowed my head. "Are you sure you didn't raise her in the palace." Arcadios chuckled, bowing the same way in return. "She has good manners." Rogue complimented. "The nuns did a good job. Too bad they couldn't improve her looks." Sting smirked leading me to bonk him on the head quickly after. "You're my younger brother, so keep quiet." I threatened, although a little disheartened, as he chuckled. "Whatever you say, Lu." For the rest of the ride, we talked about what will happen with me from now on and about Hisui, our older sister, who I had yet to even see in person. Altogether, I think my life's going to get pretty good from now on.

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