Chapter 15: Another Time Skip

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Seven years have passed since the Fairy Tail team disappeared and it's had an effect of the guild. I've heard that most of the previous guild members have left, and the remaining lost the original guild hall to rising stars, known as Twilight Ogre. They're an impressive guild, but totally do things dirty. It pissed me off when I heard they had taken over. Finally, after hearing they were making Fairy Tail pay for Twilight Orge not to destroy them, I've decided to take a trip down there to teach them a lesson. It would be the first time in 10 years that I would be going back, I don't think anyone would recognise me. Just to make sure they didn't, I got my cloak of black cloth and my white, frilled glove to hide my emblem. I put on my dull, brown boots and pale blue, commoner dress with a dark blue middle. (Similar to this.)

I put my hair up, with a bit of difficulty because it was still at shoulder length, and put my keys on my belt

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I put my hair up, with a bit of difficulty because it was still at shoulder length, and put my keys on my belt. "Your Highness, are you sure about this? Your father doesn't even know you are going." Madoka, for the twentieth time since I told her, tried to get me out of doing it. My dad's never really liked the mention of me returned to Magnolia after what happened, which is the main reason I didn't go, but I needed to fix this one thing. "The answer's the same, Madoka. Come on, Plue. It looks like Mado isn't coming this time." I picked up Plue and put him in the bag of the horse saddle, getting myself on after. I had learnt how to ride a horse during my time here. "Wait! Lucy! I'm coming!" She panicked and got on her horse as I galloped off, her rushing to catch up to me.

As we had left during the night to not be spotted, we arrived in Magnolia as the sun was rising on the horizon. "I'm so getting fired after this." Madoka hung her head low and sighed as we jumped off our horses, tying them to the horse stops. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you're not. Now, come on, I've been waiting to use this new spell." I grabbed her hand, my hood down because I knew no one from Fairy Tail would be out this early, and began running for the beach, Plue in my other arm.

After looking around for a while, Plue getting distracted by something and wasting half an hour talking about it, we reached the Fairy Tail guild hall, or now Twilight Ogre's. There was an ugly, green face on the front of it and pillars with spikes on them. It didn't look like Fairy Tail anymore. Just as I was getting angry enough to storm in there and beat everyone up, I noticed footprints moulded into the ground. "The tracks are leading to the mountains. Why would they be going there regularly?" I thought aloud, looking down the beach to a thick forest leading to the mountains. "To go on missions, pun?" Plue asked, making me shake my head in response. "You're going in the opposite direction to any type of transportation that way. Mado! I'm going to go check something out!" I shouted from the other side of the beach to where Madoka was inspecting the guild hall for a way in. "Coming!" She shouted back as I began walking.

Through a lot of hiking, we came to an old farm, the Fairy Tail symbol on the windmill. "This is the guild!?" I gasped, my jaw dropping to the ground as Madoka pulled up my hood. "Looks like Twilight Ogre just arrived." Madoka pointed out the footprints in the wet mud and slightly crushed fencing. "Good, I wouldn't want to miss them," I smirked, regaining my composure as I cracked my knuckles. "Princess, that isn't how you're supposed to act." Madoka sighed, way beyond the point on even trying to get me to act properly outside of the palace and my duties.

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