Chapter 9: Was She Spotted?

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The next morning, I got dressed in a turquoise, knee-length dress with no sleeves and a waistcoat design. It was similar to a working class's attire, perfect for my cover. I pulled an inconspicuous cloak over my shoulders and took a parchment of paper and a quill. "I might be dead, but that doesn't mean I can't send a letter from beyond the grave." I laughed, writing a short message on it. "I kind of want it to be creepy. Is that weird?" I asked Madoka who as standing guard by the door. "Please remind me to never get on your bad side, Your Highness." She sweatdropped as I giggled evilly. "I wish we could have spent more time together. Until next time, Fairy Tail. That should do it. No sender." I chuckled to myself, putting it in a magical envelope that allows you to send it by the wind. It's pretty cool.

"Their Highnesses, Prince Sting and Prince Rogue." Sting stormed into the room, his arms high in the air, making all the attention in the room go to him, Rogue trailing behind him. "Never gets old." Sting sighed satisfied as he put his hands on his hips. "Yeah, for you." Rogue scoffed. "So, Lucy, you ready to go?" Ignoring his twin's statement, Sting walked up to me. I nodded and stood up. "There are horses waiting, Your Highnesses. The princess shall ride with me." Madoka informs them. "Right, let's go then." Rogue turned, his cape flapping. "You guys like your capes," I commented as we walked down the hall, me holding Frosc in my arms. "You feel like a superhero or something! It's awesome!" Sting sounded more excited than he should be. "Are you sure you're not the youngest?" I laughed, walking out the front doors. I learnt he was technically older than Rogue even though they're twins.

As we rode to Magnolia, me clinging to Mado out of how scared I was, we soon arrived at the entrance of town. I put my hood up as we trotted into the market place. "Can we get something for Hisui? Pleeaassseee!" I begged Madoka, hanging off her arm. My hood was far over my face so no one will actually be able to see my face but the exceeds. "One thing, and then we will go to your apartment." Madoka allowed. "Oh, and the orphanage and the guild. I have a letter for them." I showed my brothers the letter I had hidden. "I'm fine with that, we'll look around for a bit." Sting put his hand on his hip sword as they walked away. "Be careful, guys!" I waved after them. 

After they disappeared into the crowd, I turned to Madoka. "Alright, I know exactly what I want to get her. Come on." I smiled before turning away from her and guiding her through the crowd. "Princess! Please be careful! You are still recovering!" She called to me as we quickly came to a stall. Natsu and I had bought a charm from here after our first mission together. "Wow, their stuff's gotten better." I awed at the twinkling gems and fogged crystals. "How are these made?" Madoka asked the seller, picking one up and looking at it through the sunlight. "I assure you, we acquire these safely. Is ma'am looking for her girlfriend?" The man asked me. "Oh no, Mado is a friend. But I'm buying something for my sister. Preferably a jade?" I asked, being guided to the green gems. "What about these?" I picked up a pair of earrings, showing them to Madoka. "Beautiful, Princess. You have a good eye." She smiled lightly to me, a little distracted with keeping an eye out for any threats. "We'll take them." I smiled to him, my hood down because it was annoying me, thankful to her being so protective. "Wonderful choice, my dear. Now that will be..." I gave the money and took the bag. 

As Madoka and I walked down the bustling streets, Madoka was getting tense. "It's okay, Mado. Magnolia is safe. If it weren't, you would know." I told her, buying a basket of apples from the fruit stand. "Let me check those for poison, Your Highness." She went to take one and bit into it. "Are they safe?" I joked, knowing they would be. "This is amazing! Magnolia definitely has a good harvest of apples." She awed at it. "I was fortunate to grow up here. It's a family town." I smiled at the children playing in the streets, remembering myself and other orphans doing just that. "Yes, it is certainly beautiful. But, we should get going to your apartment." Madoka stated as we turned the corner. 

As we did, I spotted familiar, pink locks. My wound hurt at the remembrance of what he did and pulled Madoka back by her sleeve, dropping all the apples. "Princess? Are you alright? Your wound isn't hurting again, is it?" She panicked, grabbing my arms as I curled over. "I-It's him. W-We need to get out of here." I put my hands on her arms, trying to straighten myself. "Who's there? Why do we need to run?" She asked questions over again. I tried walking but fell. "Princess!" Madoka gasped and dropped down to help me, drawing attention from others. I pulled my hand from my side and showed blood. "Crap. We need to get the princes. I don't have any bandages." She mumbled. "It's alright, they should have some at the orphanage." I put my arm over her shoulders as she picked me up princess style, resting my head on my own shoulder. "Miss! Are you okay? I use healing magic, I can help!" The sweet voice of my old friend Wendy ran up to us. I couldn't see anything as my hood was covering my view. I shook my head slightly to tell Madoka to keep going. "Sorry, kid, but we haven't got time for that." Mado made up an excuse and we ran to the orphanage.

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