Chapter 6: Starting My New Life

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Once we arrived at the doors of the throne room, Hisui quickly looked over me to see if I looked acceptable. "This might be father, but there will be advisers there. Whenever you're walking around the palace, make sure to always look proper." She pulled my hair behind my ears. "Being a princess sounds kind of exhausting." I smiled uneasily. "You haven't seen anything yet. You'll start your etiquette classes tomorrow. I'll be there to help you whenever you need it." She pinched my cheeks lightly. "Thanks, Hisui." I smiled back at her as the guards opened the door.

During the meeting, everyone was deciding what will happen to me here. "We must keep her from the public. If Moonlight Secret finds out she's here, they might attack again." One adviser worries. "But having the princess back, we can use it to our advantage with other countries." Another explains. "I'm not marrying my daughter off to a different country." Dad calms my worries quickly. 

"What about that guild she's apart of? They could be wondering where she went." One says. "I have called Makarov here to discuss that," Dad replies. "It will be a while until the princess is ready to be shown to the public." A woman points out. "That is correct. We don't know much about her ourselves."

They were all talking as if I weren't there. Getting annoyed, I stood up. "I am right here, y'know! It should be my decision what I do with my life." I silenced them all in a second. "Your Highness, forgive me, but I sincerely doubt you know anything to do with matters of the state." The one who talked about marrying me off, chuckled. "I know I want to do anything in my power to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who do wrong. I know I have been doing that since I was born and have tried my hardest to make the best conditions to the people around me." I began my retort. "And if those aren't what it takes to be a princess, then forgive me, because I don't want to be a princess if I can't do that." I put my hands on the table, a scowl of my face. "Then it's decided. Lucy will decide what is best for her as she takes her princess lessons. We will tell the people of Fiore when it is the right time. Meeting adjourned." Dad hit the mallet on the table and everyone stood up, bowing as he walked out. 

As Hisui and I were meeting with some advisers, the one who didn't have any faith in my abilities walked up. "Your Highness." He smirked. "I am Richard Head. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He bowed and kissed the back of my hand. "Right." I shivered at the wet feeling on my hand. It was disgusting. "I'm sorry Lord Head, but we must be going. Lucy has had a tiresome day." My sister helped, also getting creeped out, Madoka standing close behind.

"Madoka, please prepare the princess' sleep attire." Hisui nodded to her and we quickly left. "Here, you'll need it." Hisui gave me a handkerchief for my hand. "Thank you. That guy is so..." I led off, looking around to see if anyone were around. "It's fine, no one likes him. Around here, we call him Lord Dick Head. Just don't say it in front of him. He won't appreciate that." She laughed as I wiped my hand clean. "Interesting. Oh, where did Sting and Rogue go? I saw them walking out in the middle of the meeting." I looked around again, seeing Madoka walking down the corridor. "Prince Sting and Prince Rogue have gone on an outing, Princess Lucy. They won't be back until midnight." Madoka informed me. "Is that right? Well, I'm exhausted after today." I yawned, ignoring the uneasy feeling in my stomach as we walked into my room. Why would they disappear so soon? Did they not care? 

"I'm so glad to have you back, Lucy. Make sure to get better soon, you won't be able to ride horses until then." Hisui hugged me before saying goodbye. "Will do, Hisui! Good night!" I called after her as Madoka gave me my pyjamas and I went straight to sleep, Madoka keeping guard just outside my door, as per her duties.

Sting's PoV

After we heard what Lucy said about only ever wanting to help people, I got really angry. Her friends got super angry at her just because someone was after her? It made no sense. The Fairy Tail I know, the one that doesn't leave family behind no matter what, wouldn't have done that. So, we decided to pay them a visit, with a message from dad. We got on our horses, Rogue having a black one with silver armour, mine a white with black armour, with our exceeds on our backs. "Lector, get in the bag. If you fall asleep, I won't be coming back for you." I opened the horse pack and the maroon cat jumped in. "The same with you Frosc, I don't want you to get hurt." Rogue, being quieter like he usually is, opened his horse pack. "Don't eat any of the food," I commanded to the two and we set off for Magnolia, the home town of Fairy Tail.

By the time we arrived, the sun was setting on the horizon and we had our royal armour on. This meaning long capes flowing down one side and swords on our hips. We rode through the streets, crowd thinning for us as we had the royal crest on our clothes. 

Soon, we arrived at the big, wooden doors. "This is Fairy Tail, huh?" Rogue looked up, pulling on the reins of his horse to stop her. "That's what the sign says. Come on." I jumped off my own horse, tying it to the pillar of the bridge and we went to the doors, me blasting a ball of light at it. We stood in the doorway, our capes flaring in the wind. "This is so cliché." Rogue sighed as I was internally beaming at how cool that was.

"Who the hell are you?!" A bruised, pink-haired dragon slayer, who I used to respect, jumped up. "You're the one." Gritting my teeth, I resisted the urge to destroy him. "That crest!" An old man with purple hair gasped, seeing mine and Rogue's capes. "You're the people that hurt Lucy!" Rogue raged, walking up to the raven-haired man and grabbing his collar and pulling him down thanks to the height difference. We were younger than them, but we had a fury that made up for it. "Alright, squirt, let go of the shirt." I pulled Rogue off him as he complained. "Lucy said she didn't want harm to come to them," I whispered, eyeing the blue-haired girl who was our age with a careful eye. She was the sky maiden, also a dragon slayer. "But the wound won't fully heal. It'll scar her forever." He spat back, trying to go for the man again. 

Suddenly, someone interrupted our conversation. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Their master stood on the second-floor railing as we looked up. His eyes penetrated the fallen doors behind us. My intrusion must have roused him. "Makarov! You are called to the palace tomorrow at noon for a meeting with the King!" I announced, Rogue fuming silently behind me. The old man froze. "And as for you bunch of bastards." I turned to them all, cracking my knuckles. "We'll be back for what you have done to our sister. Even if it means a few casualties." I smirked to the girl our age who was quivering behind Titania. "Who are you?" Titania tried going for us, but Rogue shot her back with a ball of darkness. "Are you satisfied now?" I sighed, turning to him as he walked away, his cape flapping side to side. "Good luck, Fairy Tail. You'll need it." I smirked before also walking away, then riding back home alongside my brother.

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