Chapter 7: First Day Of Princess Classes

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Once I woke up, Madoka rushed me into the shower and checked my burn. The swelling had gone down a little, but it was still red and blistered. "I am terribly sorry, Your Highness. But the burn was so serious... You'll have it forever. No matter how much magic we use, it will still physically be there." She finished tying the bandage around it, putting tape on the end. It seemed magical fire burned differently than regular fire. Or maybe it was the fury that was behind the punch that cursed me with this neverending pain. 

"I was afraid of that." I sighed, letting her help with my dress. This time, it had long, baggy, pink, off the shoulder sleeves and a bit puffier than yesterday's, but not excessively. "I'll prepare tea for your etiquette class. The teacher shall come to you. Ms Porlyusica I believe is her name." She thought aloud. "What?" I gasped.

Porlyusica was an old friend of Gramps and visited the orphanage regularly for check-ups on the kids. I never knew she worked at the palace. "Yes. His Majesty the King asked her personally because you're already acquainted? He thought it would be good to have an old friend." She told me. "R-Right. I'll wait here then." I walked on the bare balcony.

"The designers will come during my lesson. For both clothing and interior. I still remember the nuns' teachings." I gulped, remembering the years of arguments I would have with the nuns, but they always tried their hardest. They knew I needed to be well-mannered and generous, they were the only acceptable traits of a princess. "I kind of miss them. Maybe I could get father to let me go to collect my stuff from my apartment." I looked up at the broad sky over my kingdom, my arms stretched out on the cold, marble railing. 

"For all the years I've known you, you've never been able to get your head out of the clouds." The frail voice of Ms Porlyusica croaked up from the doorway back to my room. I quickly spun around in surprise, flinching at the pain of my burn. "M-Ms Porlyusica. Th-Thank you for coming." I bowed quickly, doing the routine the nuns taught us. "Have you been practising?" She made a line with her lips and walked to the centre of the balcony, a table and chairs appearing out of nowhere. "Let's get this over with so I can get home. The smell of all these humans is revolting." She creased her nose, opening a folder. I quickly sat in front of her, knowing how short the witch's temper was. "First things first, you remember what they taught you in the orphanage, right?" She eyed my posture, nodding when she saw it straight. "Straight to the walking then. You know the drill, to the wall, put the book on your head. Chop, chop." She gave me her thick medicinal book as I ran to the wall, putting the book on my head. "I was never good at this." I positioned my feet and looked to the horizon, slowly walking forward. Halfway through, it fell off. "This is going to be a long lesson." Porlyusica picked the book back up and we repeated this again and again until I got to the end.

At noon, I was free from the class, but now the royal designers were here. "I'm feeling pinks and purples are your colour. We will need to make knee-length and floor-length dresses. As well as some accessories to match. How are you with tight clothing?" The head designer quickly shot question after question at me during the hour-long measuring session. "I'm fine with anything." I smiled as they demanded people around. "They can't be too tight or it'll hurt her. She has a burn wound on her stomach, so be careful with what you do." Madoka added, the assistant noting everything down. "Great! We should have some dresses ready by next week. Until then, continue wearing these." The head designed stood, pointing to a rail of clothes that were being rolled in. They looked old fashioned for these dates.

"Whose were they?" I whispered to Mado as the designers walked out, us bowing. "Your mother's, Your Highness. Surprisingly, you have the exact measurements as the late queen." She informed me. "I still don't know how or when my mother died. Do you know, Mado?" I asked, sadly looking into my teacup. The guard before me gulped, taking in a deep sigh. "The night you were sent to the orphanage, Princess. The palace was attacked by Moonlight Secret. Your mother did everything to protect you, even after they killed multiple guards, but in the end, she was only able to get you to a messenger and tell them to get you as far away from here as possible. She was injured terribly but survived with a life-threatening illness. On the tenth anniversary of your disappearance, she collapsed with cold sweats and paralysis. A week later, she passed away. Everyone in the capital mourned, but the information on her death wasn't disclosed to anyone but the people who were there." She told me, a grim expression on her face. "That means... You were there?" My gaze shot up to her. "Yes, but why aren't you crying-?" She was cut off by me hugging her. "Of course I'm sad. But I got over the fact I may never know who my family is a long time ago. But you actually had to witness it, know her and watch her grow weak. I'm so sorry you had to see that." I hugged her tighter. "It was a long time ago, Princess. I'm just glad you're back and healthy. Well, in one piece." We laughed about my injury as she helped me back to my seat.

Then, another knock came to the door. "That's the interiors. Are you fit to accept them?" Mado sat up, resetting her palace wear. Which were a pair of black leggings, a green top, and a sword on her hip? (A lot like Kiki's outfit from Snow White With Red Hair, but green. Her personalities a lot her's as well.) "Let them in." I sighed, standing up and readjusting my clothes. Today was so tiresome already.

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