I was back at school, I decided to wait till I moved... I just wanted to be able to see Niall round school.
"Hey!" My mate cheered "did you fuck the blond yet?"
I shook my head and all their smiles dissaapeared
"Well why the fuck not?" Michael asked angrily
"I need to tell you guys something" I mumbled
"Go on then" Luke said annoyed
"I uh... I've been seeing Niall for a while" I mumbled "like before the bet and-"
"Why didn't you just fuck him?!"
"Because he doesn't trust me to do that without a camera" I said quietly
"So force him"
"But... We broke up" I whispered "for real"
"Good job!" Michael then laughed
"And then there's something else" I snivelled "I didn't dump him... H-He dumped me"
Michael took his hand off me, everyone in my group glared... Then they all just walked away. I looked back and saw Niall staring at me.
Tears filled up my eyes and I hugged my art folder to my chest, running past Niall and to the boy's bathroom.
I bawled. I cried harder than I ever had before. I was hiccuping and curled up in a defense position
Then Harry walked into the bathroom, his laugh cutting off as he stared at me
"What the fuck?" He asked
I didn't answer him but he realised exactly what was going on
"You deserved to be dumped" he glared "you were such an asshole to Niall, you were lucky he even took you back"
He used the urinal and left me alone again, letting my cry to myself.
Later on Niall came into the cubicle, he stood staring at me... I knew he wanted to hug me. I wanted him to hug me... This was a stupid idea, I want him back
"Ni... I'm sorry" I whimpered
He just kept staring and I stood up
"P-please take me back" my lips trembled as I shakily caressed his cheek "p-please Niall"
"No" he said quietly
"This was a dumb idea I know" I tried "but please j-just take me-"
"Leave me alone"
"Niall please... I need you"
"You should have thought about that when you had me" he hissed
"You can't honestly be angry with me"
"Leave Zayn..." He mumbled
I walked past him, leaving the bathroom and noticing people smirking at me... They'd found out Niall dumped me.
I went straight to the principal, crying my eyes out to her. She ended up calling Niall from class and wouldn't me me leave
"Why'd you break up?" She asked
"He was an ass"
"What?" I croaked "n-no I wasn't"
Why was he lying? What was he saying I'd done?
"How was I an ass to you?"
"You cheated on me" Niall mumured
"N-no I didn't" I whimpered "I never cheated... Why are you sayin that?"
"You cheated on me with a fucking girl!" Niall shouted, tears running down his cheeks "I saw you okay?"
"I didn't" I tried "you're lying... Why are you lying?"
"I saw you" Niall whispered "I saw you with her, I saw what you did to her... Because I wouldn't give you anything"
That wasn't true. That was the biggest lie I'd ever heard... This was bullshit
"You had her in your bed!" Niall shouted "you were between her legs!"
"No..." I whimpered "I wasn't. We broke up because I wanted to be dumped"
"You hurt me Zayn" Niall cried "you hurt me more than you did the first time when you recorded us... I'm never going to forgive you"
"I didn't cheat" I strained my voice "I swear to god j didn't do that... You know I wouldn't do that-"
"Stop denying it" Niall's lips began to tremble "stop denying what I saw... It's true and you know it is"
Was this what he was telling people? That I'd been with some girl?
"I don't want you" he whimpered "I'm glad your moving school because I don't have to suffer anymore"
"Niall please-"
"I tried" he grit his teeth "I tried so hard to love you again... To trust you. But it wasn't enough for you, I wasn't enough and this entire time you've been an absolute doll to me... But it was a lie"
"Fine, you got me okay?" I gave in "I was fucking someone so what?"
Niall looked shock that I'd now started to play along
"But she was nothing" I whispered "she was a mistake and I ended up saying your name"
"I said your n-name" I stuttered "it-it was an accident but that how much I wanted her to be you"
"Y-you said my name while you were screwing someone else?" He looked heart broken
"Why aren't you happy?" I whispered
"Because... You cheated on me even though she was nothing"
He left the office, leaving me awkwardly with the principal
"You cheated?"
"Ages ago" I mumbled "but we weren't actually together officially, Niall put my love to the test and the last girl I was with got real pissy with me for what I did"
"Well, you deserved it"
"To get dumped"
"No" I said in disbelief "I didn't, this is all happening because I'm moving school"
"Then Niall is just being smart"
"I don't want to lose him" I said "at first it seemed like him dumping me wouldn't be so bad but now I know im wrong, I still love him okay? He loves me... I can see he still has the look for me. He still struggles watching me hurt"
"Really now?"
"I just... I feel like I've been relying on him" I mumbled "and I was never independent... So now I don't know what to do other than cry and plead for him to take me back"
"You two have broken it off more than once" she sighed
"It's difficult working with him okay?" I asked "I've tried real hard to keep him but I was dumb about it and ended up getting my arse dumped!"
"Sit down Zayn"
"No" I snapped "you can't make me"
"Zayn" she warned
"I don't give a fuck about what any of you say!" I shouted "I love Niall to bits and if none of you can actually see that you either need glasses or to get your fuckin head checked!"
"Do not, speak to me that way!" She raised her voice
"I don't care what any of you think of me or my actions. I only care what he thinks" I snapped "because he still belongs to me-"
"Get out"
"Get out of y office before I suspend you" she said annoyed
I left the office, slamming the door shut and softening when I saw Niall standing there with teary eyes
"I'm still yours?" He croaked
"Always" I answered "just like I'm always yours"
"Please... Don't hurt me again" Niall whimpered "I won't be taking it again"
"I won't ever hurt you" I said quietly "I cant... Not after this"
"I love you" Niall smiled, letting tears slip down his pale cheeks
"I love you" I smiled, crying too
Then he ran at me, hugging me tight
"Would you be my boyfriend?" I asked quietly "a third time?"
I held Niall close and the recess bell went. My old group was staring at me hugging Niall but I hugged him tighter
"This breakup fucking sucked" I mumbled
"I had control over it" Niall murmured "do you know how hard it was to say no to you?"
Good. At least he was tempted to take me back
"I'm sorry" I whispered "I was a dick... And telling you to break up with me? That was wrong of me"