Thirty Nine ~ Sincerest Apologies

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"Niall wait up!" I shouted, opening up the front door

I ran after him, hugging him from behind and kissing his cheek

"Hi baby" I mumbled

He pushed me away, not looking at me


"Thanks by the way" he then spun to face me with teary eyes "you left me with Harry, who kissed me today... And I had nobody else to go to thanks to you"

"I couldn't come"

"I saw your fucking car drive past us!" He shouted

"Niall just listen!" I grabbed his arm

"Fucking let go of me!" He shoved me away


"I can't believe you'd do this" he began to cry "I tried my hardest to make you happy and you just run off to someone else"

"What?" I asked in disbelief "I wasn't seeing anyone else Niall I-"

"Just save it" he whimpered "we're through okay? I'm done with your shit"

"Niall I was at a boarding school-"

"Fucking some random chick!"

"No I wasn't, what the hell had gotten into you?" I asked appalled

"If you were going to a boarding school then why didn't you tell me?" Niall hissed "if that were true, why would you hide it from me"

"Because I don't want you upset about this"

"About what?!" He screamed

"I'm moving school"


"I got expelled okay?" I asked "the school kicked me out permanently because I posted that video online and gave it to everyone... They found it because everyone was watching it on the school's wireless and i have to relocate"

"And you didn't think of telling me this?"

"You'd get upset" I mumbled "and I tried but then I just ended up crying"

"You're not going to a boarding school right?"


"You'll be home everyday still if you do?"

"Not if I go to the boarding school... Then I'd have a dorm room" I said gutted

"How would I see you?" He asked

"You can visit me"

"Do you have holidays or anything?"

"Yes but they're still on campus grounds" I looked down at my feet "every break, including public holiday is on campus... It just means we're free to do what ever because there's no teachers"

"You should have told me!"

"I know baby... I know" I said desperately "and I so, so sorry I didn't come and that you got stuck with Harry, but I'm not coming again tomorrow because I'm checking out a few more schools-"

"Can I come then?" Niall asked "I- you're my only friend at school"

"What about Liam and Louis?" I asked "I saw you walking with them"

"They like each other now" I mumbled "they don't take notice of me, Liam and I still aren't on amazing terms either... And Harry thought you were cheating on me so he said it was okay if I kissed him- I want to stay with you"

It's a School Thing (Ziall AU)Where stories live. Discover now