Chapter Nineteen

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19.  Forgive and Forget


You ever wish that maybe if things changed in the past that maybe your future would turn out differently? It's like my life has completely fallen apart because of this whole August thing. I have no job. My love life is fucked up. My aunt is dead. I don't want to say that everything that's has happened to me is majority August's fault. I'm not going to be hung up on him. I'm going to move on with my life and that's a fact and a promise. It's been weeks and whatever is happening or the drama that I've come into ends today.

I woke up this morning with a whole new attitude. I didn't know what I was going to do but the the only thing I could do was hang out with Kia, until she has to go to work. I put on some Nike leggings, a red t-shirt, and a pair of printed Nike sneakers. Afterwards, I grabbed my keys and phone before walking down the block towards Kia's house. It had been a while since I've seen Kia or been in her house. When we first moved into our apartments in New York we would go back and forth inside of each other's apartments. So it only make sense that we go back to our old ways.

I got to Kia's apartment and she buzzed me in. I headed upstairs and when I got to her floor, the door was already opened. But Kia was on the phone and by the sound of her tone, the conversation wasn't going as well as it was supposed too.

"No! I'm tired of doing this shit with you." Kia said.

There was silence.

"No, no I'm done. What we did and what we thought we had was just something that meant nothing." Kia yelled.

Silence again.

"Look it's over. I won't allow you to continue to hurt me or Levi." Kia hung up the phone.

I went into her apartment and closed the door behind me. Kia jumped turning around to see who it was. When she saw it was me, she felt relieved but something else was going on. This was the first time in my life I seen Kia so angry at someone. Whoever that person was really made Kia upset and I was going to find out.

"Kia is everything ok?" I asked.

"That depends what you define as ok?" Kia said.

"Ok, what happened now?" I asked.

"I did something Levi, something real bad and it's something that you're not gonna like." Kia warned.

"Just say it already." I demanded.

Kia exhaled and sighed. "For the past couple of months, Vic and I have been sleeping together."

I was speechless. I had no words to say after hearing news like that. How could Kia be so stupid and so fucking reckless. After everything that happened to me and she still goes ahead and fucks the guy. I crossed my arms out of anger and shook my head. There was no other reaction.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I asked.

"Yea I know. I'm sorry Levi. I thought he needed a second chance but it turns out that guys like Vic only deserve to be alone." Kia explained.

"You should've known that from the mistake I made from being with him." I yelled.

"Yea well... We can't all be the innocent Levi fucking Rhodes." Kia yelled back.

"Wait, what the fuck is that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"You are always the one guys come too first. It always has to be about you and what you're going through. But what about me? I've been your best friend since high school and  I've helped you through everything but when something happens to me that you doing like it's a big deal. I am sick and tired of being second best to you. I am sick and tired of your bullshit. Why can't you just be there for me like a normal best friend would?" Kia said.

"I'm sorry Kia..."

"Just save it. Just leave ok." Kia said.

I didn't want to fight Kia on this because she was already mad as is. I just walked away and left her apartment. I hated to fight with Kia, but in a way I knew she was right. All our lives from high school into now, she has been the one to make sure that I was ok. She always put other people's needs before her own. I always depended on her and not the other way around. 

What kind of a person am I?


A couple of weeks have passed and I guess you can say that things have settled down and have somewhat went back to normal. I got a job and finally able to be able to get my own apartment. I stopped talking to Kirk and Levi. Ace and Kia are pretty much the only friends I have right now because they have been helping me. And K... is being K as she usually does. I pretty much been focusing on myself and I guess that's good.

I was on my way to work when I happened to see someone very familiar to me. I looked more closer and seen that it was Levi. After these many weeks of not seeing her she looked good. I couldn't help but stare because without me she seemed more happy and more independent. I was really stupid making her bet instead of making her a wife. I snapped out of my thoughts when Levi spotted me outside. I started walking in the other direction hoping that she didn't see me.

"Hey!" Levi yelled.

I stopped and turned around. "Hey."

"What are you doing here?" Levi asked.

"I work a few blocks from here. I saw you sitting there and I wanted to say hey but you know." I explained.

Levi slightly smiled. "Well I'm glad you're doing ok."

"Really? I mean you're not mad at me anymore."

Levi nodded. "Oh no I am. It's just that I have to move on with it because that's not who I am."

"And what exactly are you?" I questioned.

"I'm becoming a new person. I don't want to be the person who holds grudges against people for a long time. I mean you did what you did and I did what I did." Levi said.

"So do you forgive me? I mean if you really mean that the past is in the past then your forgiveness will really mean a lot to me." I said.

"I forgive you August." Levi said.

I couldn't help but smile. Those were the words that I've been wanting to hear in the past couple of weeks. I didn't know if the right time was to give Levi a hug, so I just left it at a smile.  I didn't want to overstep the boundaries.

"Well I guess I'll see you around." I said.

"Yea maybe." Levi said.

I said nothing and smiled and Levi smiled back. Afterwards, I continued to walk myself to work. But I continued to walk with a smile on my face. Levi forgave me which was something I though I needed to wait for until the end of time. I didn't know what had gotten into her but whatever it was, I didn't want to question it. I was just glad that she was able to forgive and forget the past. 


10:45 pm

After talking to Kia earlier and running into August, it made me think. Kia was right about me. I knew that she was always taking care of other people, and never had the time to take care of herself. I mean I am pretty mad about her sleeping with Vic behind my back, but she is a grown woman and she should do what she wants. I guess sooner or later, we all have to forgive and forget.

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