Chapter Twenty-Two

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22. Broken


After what happened with the photoshoot, I hadn't gotten any news from Mason. But the thing that really bothered me was the fact Kia and I were still on bad terms. So after getting ready, I headed over to Kia's house. When I finally got there, my heart began to pound. The last time we spoke to each other, things were said that made us almost lose the friendships that we had for years. I love Kia like a sister and it hurts me to know that she's mad at me. But after growing some balls, I knocked on the door and no answer. So I knocked again and again. When there was no answer, I opened the door and saw Kia curled up into a ball in the middle of the floor. I ran over to her to see if she was ok. I checked for a pulse and realized that there was none. I pulled out my phone and immediately called 911.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"


I was pacing back and forth wondering if Kia was ok. I didn't know what happened but I just hope Kia is ok. She's my best friend and I would hate it for something to happen to her it would really hurt me. I was waiting impatiently for what seemed like a lot lifetime when the doctor came over to me. I stood up and walked half way towards him.

"My name is Dr. Ryan. I was the one who pumped your friends stomach." Dr. Ryan introduced.

"How is she? I mean is Kia going to be ok?" I asked.

"She's going to be fine. Kia is resting right now but she had a lot of drugs that had to be pumped." Dr. Ryan said.

"Oh my god!" I was shocked. "What drugs?"

"She had Zantac, painkillers, aspirin, day and night quill. It seemed like she ingested them all at once. The reason, I don't know. But she was lucky we pumped her in time. Moments later and she could've been dead." Dr. Ryan explained.

"Jesus Christ Kia." I puffed.

"But she's going to be fine. I gave something to help her sleep and some antibodies to get her malnutrition up." Dr. Ryan said.

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"I mean she's asleep. I recommend coming back later on today when she's awake and functioning. But if you want to wait, that's up to you." Dr. Ryan said.

I nodded my head and Dr. Ryan showed me to her room. I leaned against the doorway and saw how she was hooked up to all of those machines and the heart monitor. This was scary. It was like Aunt Sheryl all over again. I'm tired of losing the people I love. When Kia wakes up, there will be hell to pay.


It felt strange to be back here. I mean this was the place that I came to hang out at. The place I came to be with people I love. But after all this drama and all hate and anger I needed to get rid of it. But I didn't think that the person I would be telling this too, would be the guy who helped create it. Kirk let me into his loft and the both of us headed into the kitchen. I sat in the chair near the bar and Kirk grabbed us a beer.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Kirk asked passing me my beer.

"I don't know. Shits been happening lately and it's like the only person I can talk too is you man." I said.

"Yea? Well I didn't think you still cared after you punched me in the face a couple of weeks ago." Kirk said.

"I had good reason and you know it. But it seems like doing so fucked up my life more." I took sip of the beer.

"How so?" Kirk asked.

"Levi's moved on, Kayla still bugging me, and I slept with K." I said.

"What?" Kirk questioned. "You had sex with K?"

I nodded my head in shame. "Yup."

"Damn if you had stoop that low... I don't know what to tell you man." Kirk took a sip of his beer. "I mean K is one crazy ass fucked up bitch. I mean she's worst than Kayla."

"I know." I said. "I know."

"So what are you gonna do?" Kirk asked.

"I don't know man. I mean being here in New York has really made things tough." I took a few gulps before speaking again. "I think I'm gonna go back to Cali."

"Really?" Kirk questioned. "Why would you want to go back?"

"Bro, I want even supposed to stay here for that long. I was suppose to visit you and Ace and then I met Levi and I wanted to stay for her." I explained.

"Well when are you leaving?" Kirk asked.

I nodded my head. "I don't know. But soon though."

Afterwards, Kirk and I talked about other things and caught up on the past couple of weeks. I had to say that it was great for us to finally be friends again. Kirk is like a brother to me and I've been told that family is the most important thing in this world. So it feels great to finally to have someone on my side.


3:30 pm

I had fallen asleep after watching Kia. I woke up to Dr. Ryan coming in and waking me up. My eyes opened and saw Dr. Ryan standing over me with a cup of coffee. He handed to me and sat in the chair next to me. I took a sip of it and looked over at Kia who was still sleeping.

"She wanted to kill herself didn't she?" I asked.

"I cant really be sure. I mean the amount of drugs in her stomach caused an overdose. But I'm not sure if she wanted to kill herself?" Dr. Ryan said.

"That's not what I'm asking. Cut the medical bullshit, just give your honest opinion." I asked.

Dr. Ryan sighed. "Ok then yes. I do think that she wanted to kill herself."

"But this doesn't make any sense, she has nothing to feel bad about. She has a great life." I said.

"Well why don't you ask her yourself?" Dr. Ryan said.

I looked over at Kia who was waking up. I went over to her and held her hand. Kia turned her head towards me as she was trying to regain consciousness.

"Kia are you ok?" I asked.

"I think so. What happened?" Kia asked.

"You overdosed. The doctors had to pump your stomach to get the drugs out." I said.

"Oh." Kia said.

"Kia, why would do this to yourself?" I asked concerned.

"I was scared." Kia said

"Scared? Scared of what?" I questioned.

"I broke it off with Vic and he came over and hit me. He did that every other day and I didn't wanna tell the police because somehow he would make me regret it. I was in so much pain and so much heartache that I needed something. I needed something to make me me feel numb. I wanted to feel nothing to take away the pain." Kia explained.

"So this is all Vic's fault?" I asked.

Kia said nothing.

"Ok. No one knows you're here but me so no one is here to hurt you." I said. "Now just get some rest and I'll be back."

Kia nodded her head and went back to sleep. 

I left the hospital getting fresh air. I couldn't believe that Vic would do something like this to Kia. I knew Vic was dirty rotten from the start and now that he has messed with the only family, I have left. Now theres going to be hell to pay. Vic I'm coming for you, you piece of shit!


Hey guys, so I have a few more chapters to write before this story is over. I don't know the exact number of chapters, but this story has been great to write. I want to thank everyone who has supported this story and given me feedback. I write these stories for you and your enjoyment.

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