Chapter 4, Danger

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The Next Day, Lucy's Pov, 

Igneel had taken Nashi to the guild while I went to meet with Storm and Juvia. Well after a morning of freaking out. I now had a golden tattoo of a phoenix on my left cheek. Eclair already explained it meant I had full control over my powers but it did freak me out at first. I was walking along the beach to see Juvia with Storm both training in the water. I smiled watched as they was making weapons out of the water. I sensed something coming near by as I looked around. "Lucy" I heard Juvia nearly shouted.

I turned my head to face Juvia and Storm as they was coming out of the water, making the weapons they had made fall back into the water. We all walked toward each other. "You and Storm make a good team" I smiled at Juvia then looked behind me confused, she soon pulled me behind her. We looked to see a woman around mine and Juvia's age standing there. She had long dark pink hair and blood red eyes. She was wearing a short blue dress with purple heels. Her hair was blowing in the wind.

"So your the Phoenix" the girl spoke making my eyes widen. "Im Jessica from the dark guild called Blood Fairies, you are to come with me Phoenix" the girl then sounded a little bored as Juvia and Storm both got into fighting stance. There were too many people on the beach to let me use my powers. I could and most likely end up hurting someone or worse this Jessica would hurt someone. "Lucy stay behind Juvia and Storm" Juvia spoke as Jessica sighed, shaking her head. "Protectors" she mumbled.

She knew way to much. Did some members of the Dark Flames join a dark guild? Or even could they paid a dark guild? Jessica made black orbs show around her as she then smirked. "Show me what you got" she then spoke as Juvia and Storm grabbed each others hands. "UNISON RAID" they both shouted as ice and water went flying at this Jessica. Soon as the ice and water clashed with the black orbs that was protecting Jessica everything went black. "Why is it always a Dragneel?" a male voice asked.

My eyes widen as I knew who it was. "Nick" I mumbled as I turned around to see him. He should of been locked up. Storm was soon blasted into the ocean behind us. "STORM" Juvia and I both shouted as clouds started to show above us. I knew that meant Juvia was upset and worried. "Water Slicer" Juvia shouted sending slashes of water toward Jessica and Nick. Nick made some of the stand below him harden and go around him like a shield while Jessica used her black orbs to shield herself again. 

"Storm go get backup" I shouted seeing her in the water. Storm turned her body into water and was gone in a second. This was going to be hard. "What do we do Lucy?" Juvia soon asked worried as it started raining. "We have to somehow lead them to a less populated area" I answered as Juvia nodded. "Water-Make" Juvia soon shouted as parts of the ocean started to rise turning into weapons like from before. "Power Enchantment" I whispered giving Juvia a power boast as the weapons of water turned into real weapons.

Juvia had the weapons of swords, spears, guns and all different types start attack Jessica and Nick. That was when Juvia and I started running toward the town exit. The rain was following us. Soon as we was near the town exit me and Juvia were both blasted with dark magic send us into buildings. "Think you could run?" Jessica asked smirking as she walked up to me. "LEAVE LUCY ALONE" Juvia shouted Jessica made another orb show in her hand. I was frozen, on the wall. Juvia the same as she was struggling to brake free.

I had no choice. I couldn't let them kill Juvia. "Ice-Make: Arrows" I heard Gray shout as fast ice made arrows came flying into Jessica sending her flying off as her side was now bleeding. Juvia was then freed from her wall. "Juvia are you alright?" I asked worried as she rushed to my side. "Juvia is fine" Juvia answered trying to get me off the wall. No luck. Gray soon showed up next to us. "Who was that chick?" Gray asked looking at us. "Someone from a dark guild" I answered as Gray saw I was floating and stuck on the wall.

"Juvia can't get Lucy down" Juvia sounded worried as dark orbs came flying toward her and Gray, sending them both flying away from me. Jessica was slowly walked her way toward me, holding her side. "Can we finish them?" she asked as Nick showed up in front of me, grabbing my neck. "We have our target" Nick replied as I started feeling weak. "LUCY" Juvia and Gray both shouted as I felt it inside me. Telling me to use it's power. "PHOENIX BLACK FLAMES" I soon shouted as black flames started to come off my body.

They went onto Nick's arm making him let go and look in pain. Gray stared at me shocked. I was somehow freed from the wall as I stood up weakly. "Here's a message to you stupid dark guild you can come fight me but you leave my guild and family out of this" I snapped my voice much harsher than normal as Jessica smirked many dark orbs showing around her once again as the flames on Nick were getting worse. "LUCY CALM DOWN" I heard Juvia shouted as I was hugged from behind. "Your safe now mum" I heard Igneel whisper.

The flames on Nick finally started to vanish as I blacked out. The black flames were my second most powerful spell, they would never burn out unless I wanted them to. They would just keep burning now matter what it was. Black flames could even burn and kill Juvia whos body was made out of water...

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