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10 Years Later, Nashi's Pov, 

Time had moved fast. Since mum passed away to stop the Nightmare Queen. The guild took awhile to fix itself. Even then took me and Igneel much longer than them. Even after all these years our father had never moved on. Every year on this day he would stay home and drink. Well this year my Aunt Erza and Uncle Gray forced him to my mothers grave. It was late at night. Igneel was on honeymoon with Sakura. Both ended up together. Aunt Mira and Ace both knew it would happen.

I had a feeling they had a big part in making it happen. Raven and I were even dating well no one knew yet. My father would of gone crazy. I was waiting for the right time. Aunt Wendy and Uncle Romeo had twins. Uncle Romeo nearly died mostly from Aunt Erza but in a way he nearly passed out. I was at home in my fathers room. I was looking at a picture that Aunt Mira had made for my mother many years ago. It was when I was one years old. I was in my mothers lap as she was holding me with one arm.

Igneel was holding a doll Aunt Juvia made of Aquarius playing around with me as I was giggling and trying to reach for it. My father was next to my mother his forehead on hers as my mothers hand was on my fathers chest. My father had one hand on top of my mothers while his other one was on the back of my mothers head. This was made and happened at the Harvest Festival. We was sitting in the park having a small picnic with the guild. My eyes were watering slightly looking at the picture.

My hand moved onto it. "I love you mum" I whispered as when she died something weird happened. I had not told anyone. Well only people who knew were the spirits. Not anyone else knew that I saw my mothers spirit move on. She was smiling at some people I was unknown to. She was happy. She went smiling. I wiped my tears off my face real fast as I was trying to stop crying. Wasn't having much luck. I missed her. I only had five years with my mother. My brother only have six. I remembered every memory with her.

I never lost my memory of the mother who made me smile. Who kept me fed and loved. My mother was everything to my father. I knew she was. Next to the picture was my mothers wedding ring. "She is still smiling you know" I heard Aquarius's voice behind me as I turned around to see her floating slightly just off the floor. Her urn floating next to her. I was shocked she came down here. "Your mother talks about her proud she is of you and your brother" she spoke smiling at me.

This made my crying worse. "I-I miss her" I spoke breaking down as I fell onto my knees. My hands covering my eyes as I was crying. I felt Aquarius put her arm around me. "She asked me to tell you something and to give you and Igneel something" Aquarius spoke as I looked at her. She saw my mother. The spirits talked about how they could see my mother and grandfathers spirit. They could speak to them. It was normally Loke who came down and told me about all this. No one else really did.

"Going to come into the room boy?" Aquarius asked as I was confused as I soon saw Igneel and Sakura come into the room. My eyes widen slightly seeing them. My brother now had a scar over his left eye. "You are both meant to be on honeymoon" I spoke as my brother walked over getting on his knee to be on my height. He soon placed one hand on top of my head as he put his forehead on mine. "You and I gotta stick together on this day remember" he spoke as was still a crying mess.

I had my mothers emotions. Everyone always told me that. Igneel moved his head back as he got up and offered his hand. "We gotta show the world us Dragneel's are still kicking" he spoke as I smiled at him. Ever since mother passed he would stop teasing. He acted like a parent as well as a very protective older brother. I took his hand as he helped me stand. Sakura walked over hugging me. I was glad that she was now my sister. She was the one to help my brother. He acted fine around everyone.

When we used to get home he would be in his room crying and breaking down. He did it rarely but everyone agreed it was because he was trying to hold his feelings back. The whole guild agreed with the fact that mother used to do that too. She would put away her feelings for everyone else and when she held them back to much she would hide away and break out. I was always unable to help my brother when he needed it but Sakura was there for me. Standing by his side. I was so thankful.

"Your mother wants you all to know she still watches over you till this day. She gets sad over how your father can't get over her death but in a way she is not gone. Her spirit is there. When you all was crying before her spirit was hugging you all. She was always standing there smiling and watching you" Aquarius spoke smiling as she was still harsh and mean at many times. Times like this she would be nice. Talking about my mother just made her smile. I loved to hear the stories she had of my mother.

"She wishes for you both to become powerful mages and follow your hearts. She only asks that you both stand by each other always and help your father" Aquarius then added as I placed my hand on my chest where my heart was. Just like my mother did, well my father said whenever I did that all he could see was my mother in me. He always spoke smiling about how happy he was that I had her eyes. That I was much like her and even Igneel was at times. Father always talked about everything now.

How he felt. What happened in the past. "We will" Igneel and I spoke at the same time as Aquarius moved toward the old desk my mother used to write letters. It was filled with dust. No one touched it. Not even father. Aquarius opened a lock draw without problem as she was holding a book. "Your mother wrote this" Aquarius spoke as she moved toward me and Igneel. I heard the door downstairs open and then close. "Get him up here" she spoke as Igneel and I both could smell out father's scent.

Along with Aunt Erza and Uncle Gray. "DAD" I screamed as the next thing we all heard was the three of them rushing up the stairs. Once they was up here you could see the had aged. My father's hair was darker than it used to be. He was much older now. "Aquarius?" Erza asked confused as they moved over toward us. "Lucy couldn't stand seeing Nashi cry like so" Aquarius spoke as my dad froze up. His eyes watering slightly as Aquarius passed me the book. "She is always with you Natsu" Aquarius spoke.

She was looking right at my father. "You may not see, hear of sense her but she is here right now watching and smiling" Aquarius then moved her head to where the picture of us all were. She smiled and nodded as we all knew who she was looking at. "Mum" I whispered smiling as Aquarius soon vanished. Igneel wiped his own face having his own tears. I then looked toward the book as I looked at it a little shocked. "What is it Nashi?" Uncle Gray asked as everyone crowded over and looked.

All our eyes had tears build up seeing the cover that was made.

All our eyes had tears build up seeing the cover that was made

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