Chapter 8, Attack

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That Night, Lucy's Pov,

Natsu was taking me out for dinner as well we was trying to date once again. I was brushing my hair in my room as I heard Natsu's knock downstairs. "GOT IT MA" I heard Igneel shout as I smiled a little. I was glad to have such an amazing family. I wished my mother and father could meet Igneel and Nashi. I took a deep breath as I heard Natsu's father's chuckle along with Nashi's giggle. Natsu's father offered to look after Ig and Nashi for us tonight. Ig was older now but he needed to know his own grandfather.

I soon headed down the stairs to see Natsu staring at me smiling. "Close your mouth son, you're gonna catch flies" Natsu's father laughed as Natsu glared at him. Natsu did have his mouth slightly open but I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Mummy I want to come" Nashi hugged my leg as I smiled at her. "Maybe next time honey, your father and I need some time alone tonight" I replied as she pouted. Both kids were like Natsu. "Don't worry Nashi tomorrow we will all go out for family dinner" Natsu walked over.

Nashi looked at him excited as she let go of my leg. Natsu then ruffled up her hair as Ig rolled his eyes going into another room. "He is still mad at me" Natsu sighed as Nashi looked confused. "I will talk to him" Natsu's father picked up Nashi getting her to burst out giggling. "Have a good night, you both need it" Natsu's father then went into the other room with Nashi. I could still hear her giggled from the welcome room making me smile. "Shall we get going?" Natsu then offered me his arm. I smiled wrapping my arms around his.

"We shall" I replied as we headed out. As we was walking toward the town I noticed Natsu looking at me every so often. "What?" I soon asked as he stopped and pulled me close to him. "How beautiful you are" Natsu replied in a quiet voice. I felt my cheeks burn up a little as she surprised me with a kiss. I kissed back my arms going around his neck as I felt Natsu's hands on my waist. Natsu deepened the kiss as we heard a chuckle around us. Natsu and I pulled away as an young man with spiky bitch black hair came out of the shadows.

He had dark green eyes and tinted red skin. Natsu pulled me behind him as he started growling. "All this training we gave you and here you are making out with our target" the young man spoke as I froze up. The Dark Flame Tribe. The young man soon pulled out a key. My eyes widen seeing it. "Are you crazy? Those keys are forbidden for a reason" I nearly shouted seeing the key. Natsu looked confused as the young man laughed. "Then you know their power can beat yours" the young man nearly shouted as he turned the key in mid air.

Soon a young lady with long black hair, purple eyes and wearing a red dress showing off her curves and great body off. "Lust" I whispered worried as she smirked. Lust one of the Spirits known as the Seven Deadly Sins. A very powerful set of spirits that were forbidden to used as they turned their mage into a puppet. "Nice to see you again Lady Heartfilla" Lust bowed as I was confused. I knew who she was but I never met her before. Not that I remembered. Natsu's growling got even louder as his fist set on black flames.

"Oh goodie a dragon demon slayer" Lust sounded happy as she licked her lips. "A hot one on top" she added as I felt myself get jealous. "Deal with Natsu fast Lust we have plans for Lucy" the young man ordered as Lust nodded. Plans? I thought they wanted me dead. I remember that with my new magic I could still summon my old Celestail Spirits. Natsu rushed at Lust who just moved fast, making Natsu miss his punches and kicks. He kept trying as I had to do something. "OPEN GATE OF THE GOAT, CAPRICORN" I shouted.

Soon my spirit Capricorn was in front of me. Capricorn was a humanoid, towering over all of his fellow spirits, who possessed many goat-like traits: his body is covered in short, brownish white fur,with longer tufts covering his lower face, resembling a goatee, and the back of his legs, which greatly resembled those of a goat, being slightly bent backwards and ending in dark hooves. He had short, thin ears sitting on top of his head, with a distinctive, elongated oval form, and horns which curved downwards and jut forwards from the side of his head. 

From his lower back sprouts a mildly long tail ending in a dark tuft of fur, and his fingers sport long and dark nails. His eyes were always hidden away by a pair of black, mirror polished shades, which were initially portrayed as having distinct, separated lenses, with an elongated oval form. "You really are part Celestail" the man whispered as I was getting annoyed that he knew so much about me. Natsu, Gray and Gajeel all vowed they never talked about me or anyone else from the guild. So where did he get the info?

I trust the guys. I trust them with my life. "I SUMMON POWER OF JEALOUSY, ENVY" the young man shouted as a short girl showed up in front of him with short brown hair up in pigtails that curled at the end. Her eyes golden as the sun as she was wearing a short orange. This guy had two of the known sins. This was worrying. "Lady Lucy you must get out of here, right away" Capricorn spoke sounding worried. Why was he so worried? "You are beratying you're past contract Capricorn" a woman's voice nearly shouted behind me.

My eyes widen as I knew that voice. 

I turned around to see a woman wearing a black phoenix mask. 

T-that voice....


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