Chapter 9, Mother?

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Lucy's Pov Still, 

I felt my eyes water as the woman walked toward me. There was no way. How... "You remember me still Lucy" she spoke her hand about to touch my cheek until a blast of fire made her jump back. Natsu. He would guard me with his life. I knew that. I couldn't help but cover my mouth as tears went down my cheek. "You dare try and hurt her" Lust and Envy both snapped at Natsu rushing at him. Both having pure rage. "H-how?" I asked in a whisper as the woman removed her masking showing my thoughts were right.

S-she was my mother. She smiled at me as I felt myself start to shake. "I had to fake my death when the Celestail Spirit King found out my true identity" my mother soon answered as I was confused. True identity? What was she on about. My mother walked toward me as Natsu and Capricorn were both busy fighting Lust and Envy. How was this happening right now. "My dear daughter when I found out that you was the phoenix I was so proud" she spoke as she placed her hands on my shoulders.

"You the true daughter of Lucifer" my mother whispered as I was frozen. T-the spirit Lucifer. An evil spirit that enjoyed killing the Prince of Hell. "W-what?" I asked confused as my mother put one hand on my cheek. "Jude was never your true father, Lucifer is and I am here to finally be with you and regain my crown in the Celestail world" my mother answered as it hit me. Lucifer was known to have a lover. The evil Celestail Wizard known as the Nightmare Queen who in-salved spirits. 

"Lust, Envy kill the dragon slayer" my mother ordered. "HAI" both spirits shouted. "NO" I turned around to use a spell to help Natsu until a magic rope showed up around me. I struggled as I was unable to use my magic. "LUCY" Natsu shouted worried as my mother chuckled. "He ain't the one for you daughter" my mother whispered in my ear. I-I couldn't let someone like her near the kids. "FIRE DRAGON: ROAR" I heard two set of voices send fire waves toward Lust and Envy sending them flying off into the air.

I knew who the voices belonged to. "Mum, Dad" I heard Igneel nearly shout worried as him, Nashi and Natsu's father showed up behind the unknown male who was holding two more keys. "Mum?" my mother asked as the three of them looked toward me and my mother. "When was there two mums" Nashi asked confused as I looked at my smirking mother. "Well, well Lucy seemed you have grown up" my mother put her hand on the rope making a great pain go through my body.

I fell onto my knees biting my bottom lip. "MUM" Igneel and Nashi shouted as my mother moved in front of me pulling out a red key. "NATSU GET THE KIDS OUT OF HERE! NOW" I shouted knowing who was that key. Natsu looked at me worried as I gave him a begging look. Igneel moved forward getting in a fighting stance. "Like hell we are leaving you two to die" Igneel nearly shouted his body setting on fire. My mother laughed. "PRINCE OF HELL, COME TO ME" my mother shouted turning the key.

Soon every Celestail Mages nightmare showed up in front of my mother. Lucifer. he had red tinted skin and black hair, his eyes glowing purple as he was wearing a suit matching Loke's. "No" I whispered as my mother crossed her arms. "The little girl can live, kill everyone else" my mother ordered as Lucifer made black flames show on the ground. "NO STOP" I shouted trying to get out the tight ropes as Natsu and Igneel were forced back as Natsu's father picked up Nashi moving backwards.

"Sadly this family only needs females, sorry that I have to kill my grandson" my mother spoke as all their jaws dropped. "You are not my mother, she was nice and a caring person" I snapped as she looked at me. "Jude really put a memory spell on you" she whispered moving to be fully in front of me. "GET AWAY FROM HER" Natsu shouted pure rage in his voice as my mother touch my forehead. She started whispering some type of chant as Lucifer moved fast toward Natsu a sword showing in his hand.

"S-stop" I whispered before blacking out, falling fully onto the ground. "MUMMY" I heard Nashi scream before I heard nothing. Images, memories, other sounds showing everywhere...

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