Chapter 5, Telling

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Igneel's Pov, 

My mother was passed out on the ground next to me and Sakura. "Your going to pay" I nearly shouted with venom in my voice as Sakura turned her fist into pure iron. "Let's show them how team Dragon works" Sakura soon spoke as I nodded my fist turning into fire. I remembered the guy, he was Nick who tried to kill me and my mother before. I had no idea who the chick was. "Jessica fall back" Nick spoke a dark orb in his hand. The chick named Jessica nodded as she vanished in the wind. 

Nick let the orb in his hand drop making black smoke everywhere. When it cleared he was gone as well. I put the fire on my fist out as I checked on my mother. Sakura helped as we carried her to the guild. Gray carrying Juvia who's cheeks were on fire. Once we got to the guild everyone rushed over to me and my mother. "What happened?" everyone was asking questions Nashi hugging my father looking like she was about to cry. I could even see worry in my fathers eyes what shocked me. 

"GIVE US ROOM" Wendy soon shouted at the guild making them all back up. It was rare for her to shout like that. Wendy soon hurried to my side healing my mother. "Her magic is low" Wendy mumbled as Gray put Juvia down walking over to Gajeel and my father whispering to them. I would of listened in if I wasn't worried about mother. Nashi soon rushed to my side. "Is mummy going to be ok?" she asked her eyes watering as I ruffled her hair. "Of course, she's stronger than the old man" I answered her.

In honest truth I wasn't sure. Wendy got me to put mother in the infirmary and then kicked me out while she ran some 'tests'. I leaned on the wall next to the door listening to my father's conversation. "You sure?" Gajeel asked sounding shocked as Gray nodded his head, running his fingers through his hair. "The Phoenix is inside Lucee?" My father asked shocked and worried as the three of them were all looking worried and thinking deeply. How did they know about the Phoenix? Could the Dark Flames pick them to be the ones to kill the Phoenix?

I whispered what I heard and thought to Sakura who then went to Juvia and Levy telling them. I had to keep them three away from my mother. Nashi walked over to my father demanding a piggy back ride. Father had a huge soft spot for her so he agreed giving her one. Wendy came out of the infirmary. "She will be fine" she informed me as I nodded. "You know Igneel, Natsu has been worried about her too" Wendy whispered in my ear before walking off to Romeo. Something was with her. Wasn't sure what just yet.

The next day mother was awake and we was home. Wendy wanted her to rest but mother ended up training a lot instead of resting. There was a knock at the door as I went over opening it to see my father, Gray and Gajeel. Levy and Juvia were helping my mother train at the moment. "Why you here?" I asked harshly crossing my arms. My father gave me an upset look. "We need to see your mother" Gray soon answered as a hand went on my shoulder. "It's fine Ig, let them in" I heard my mothers voice as I sighed.

I let them inside as Juvia was pouring everyone some tea. "How long have you been the Phoenix Lucy?" Gray asked right away shocking Levy and Juvia. I watched him carefully. "Two years" my mother answered shocking the three of them. "It was the day after Nashi's birthday if I remember rightly Lu" Levy soon spoke as Lucy nodded. Gajeel looked at Levy shocked. "I was there when Lucy was picked to be the host" Levy soon explained as the three of them looked worried. 

"We was told that the Phoenix host was trying to destroy the world" Gray soon spoke as my father was being quiet for once. "Then you met the Dark Flames they are after my power" My looked at the ground. "How do they get it?" Gajeel soon asked. "By killing me" mother answered as my fathers eyes widen. "They pick three people to find me and then they come after me" mother then explained as Juvia walked over putting her hand on my mothers shoulder. "Gray-Sama would never put Lucy in harms way" Juvia spoke loudly.

"None of us would" my father finally spoke shocking my mother a little. "Natsu wants to speak to you alone" Gray soon spoke getting a glare from my father. "Not hap-" before I could finish my mother put her hand up stopping me. "I will speak with him alone Igneel" she informed me as I muttered a curse word under my breath. We all soon left leaving the two to talk. We all ended up heading toward the guild Juvia and Levy started telling Gray and Gajeel stories of my mothers powers.

How she could control flames and heal. I just stayed quiet thinking...

If that idiot hurt my mother again....

Im going to kill him....

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