Chapter 15

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Okaaaaaaay Chapter 15! Whew! Enjoy!


I'm nervous.

Kai's been acting funny ever since he saw me with Nicholas the other day.

I don't think I've ever seen him like this. All....different. I can't focus, I'm too worried.

Maybe Nick and I shouldn't have carried our relationship longer. Maybe this was a bad idea.

Track practice is going to be terrible with my mind all razzled like this.

"Hey, you alright?" Marcus asks from behind me as I stretch my arms and legs.

"I guess. There's just lots of stuff going on but I'll be fine."

"Boyfriend troubles?" He asks. How dare he ask about my relationship with Nicholas?

I stop and turn to face him," You know, I'd rather not answer that. If that's okay?"

He lifts up both of his hands in surrender," Dang, my bad."

"I'm sorry, Marcus. I'm just a little frustrated right now. Maybe we could talk later, okay?"

"Sure, we can talk after you cool down a bit." Marcus runs over to the group of guys a few feet away from where I'm standing.

I'm sorry that I had to snap at Marcus but I'm a little stressed about what's going to happen to my brother and Nick if this fued between them escalades. Right now I just need to relax but then I wonder why Marcus is so secretive. Not many people know about him or know what he's about. I wonder if he even goes to this school considernig I haven't seen him in the halls or anything.

Coach makes us do some warm up laps after stretching and before we even start practice. I get a good run in, in like a minute and thirty-something and continue to follow the directions of Coach.

After practice, I pull out a water bottle from my bag and sit on the nice, healthy, green grass. The breeze is heavenly and the sun is shinning bright. I'm sitting under a tree where the rays of the sun peeks out of it. I watch as everyone have their clique conversations while I pull out a book, read its wonderful literature, and wait for Dad to come and pick me up from practice. Today is a beautiful day to do anything but I choose to read; I love reading.

Within a few mintues of reading, Dad calls me to the car that has pulled a few feet away from where I was sitting. Then Marcus comes up to me.

"Listen, Mia. I'm sorry for upsetitng you before for whatever I made you mad for. I shouldn't have said what I said."

"Marcus, your fine. I was just a little hot earlier. Don't worry, I'm cool now." I confessed.

"You want a hug?" He asked with open arms.

I hesitated for a but then accepted his offer. This warms were as hard as rocks and surprisingly he smelled not of sweat but something else. I couldn't make of the smell but it smelled good. I almost didn't want to let go of him but it was getting a bit wierd so I pulled back and walked to Dad's truck.

When I open the door and get in, Dad gave me a stern look like who-is-this-guy-I-see-hugging-my daughter look. Dad is so protective of me but I love him.

"So who's that boy you were just hugging?" 

"Marcus, Dad, he's just a friend."

"A friend, huh? Call 'em over here." Oh no.

I wave Marcus over to the truck and he jogs to my window. I roll my window down, "Yeah?"

"My Dad wants to talk to you I guess." I roll my bottom lip into my mouth with anxiety. Oh my goodness, what is Dad going to say?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2012 ⏰

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