Chaper 10

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"What the hell is going on?" I yelled as I barged in Mia's bedroom where I found her and Nick kissing  on the roof outside her window. I was full of disappointment and shock. I stand at her door with my arms folded across my chest. Nichole behind me.

"Kai? Uhh...nothing." Mia responded looking terrified. They both stood up and climbed inside, beside eachother.

"What's he doing here? I thought you were going yourself?" I stood firmly.

"He saved me from those guys from that gang down the street and got my home safely. I was walking by myself until one of them was harassing me, that's when I finally got free and Nick helped me get here. So don't be mad at him."

"  How can I not be furious at him, Mia? He's an asshole. He's the guy you've been crying about  for almost everyday." She gave me a YOU-WEREN'T-SUPPOSED-TO-TELL-HIM-THAT look.

"Look man, I know this discussion isn't going anywhere, and it seems that I'm not going to get my apology or thanks from you so....I'll just leave."

"Nah, you son't deserve any apology from me. Your the whole damn reason my sister wanted to walk in the first place. If it wasn't for you flirting and cheating on her at the hospital, this would've never happened and you know it. So don't come at me with that crap that's coming out of your mouth." I got closer to him.

"I told her I was sorry and she forgave me. What more do I have to do?" I don't know and really don't care. My sister has a problem with forgiving. She doesn't know when to forgive. She could've at least milked it alittle bit, damn.

"Frankly, I don't give a damn how you do it. But until you do, I'm telling you to stay far away from my sister. And consider her forgiving you...denied." For a few seconds we had a stare-down until he finally and slowly walked out of Mia's room and out of our front door. I was surprised Nichole didn't say anything about all of what I said about her brother. Her twin brother.

"I gotta go. Mom's gonna kill me if I'm not going in the house with Nick. I'll see you later. And don't worry, I'll talk to him." She have me a kiss on the cheek and hurried out the front door to catch up with Nick.


"Nick! Nick, wait up!" I tried to run and catch up with him. Man, he's a fast walker!

He stopped and allowed me to catch up. When I got to him I was completely out of breath. "Nick, you can't go home without me."

With is hands in his pockets, Nick continued to walk and I walked with him. "Whatever."

"What were you doing with Mia tonight?" I asked catching my breath.

"Nothing. I was just letting her know i was sorry before Kai came in all crazy. It's not like you care whether I get chewed out by your boyfriend or not anyway." What! 

"How dare you say that to me,Nick? I always have your back."

"Really?" He stopped and looked at me. "Really,Nik? Because sometimes It seems that am the only one who's had anyone's back. Don't forget that I still didn't tell mom or dad about your encounter with Kai in your bedroom a few days ago. Or have you forgotten?" Nick's words cut me deep. I can't believe he actually thinks that I don't have his back. I just didn't have anything to say at that moment, that's all.

We were silent the rest of the way home. Just allowing the voice of the wind speak the whole time until we got home and both went to bed.


I couldn't stop looking at her wonderful body and beautiful smile during gym. And the jogging suit that complimented her amazing curves didn't help me stop thinking about her. Throughout gym class, Coach made us do a few exercises and run a little. We had try and run the whole track field in less than a mintues and a half. Only a few of us could actually do that and for the people who couldn't, they had to do it again and try harder. Luckily, I wasn't one of them and neither was Mia.

This was my chance to speak to her when Kai is nowhere around.

I walked over to her and sat down.


Her smile gave me a tingly feeling. "Hi, Nick."

"Lucky we're not them, huh?" I tried to make conversation. 

"Yeah." Only three out of the whole class could complete Coach's time limit and two of them we're Mia and I....and this junior.

There was a long pause.

What do I say other than ask her if we're together or not? I need to know so I cut to the chase.

"Are we still together?"

"I don't know. Are we?"

I laughed. "That's why I asked you."

"Well...Kai doesn't want us to be together. He says that your not trustworthy and that I should stay away from him. My dad says the same thing. This is just...." She let out a deep breath.

I ran my fingers through my low cut and curly hair. "They don't have to know that we're together you know."

She gave me a confused look,"You us secretly dating? Can we do that?"

"Of course we can...I mean...only if you want to. I just thought of it because I don't want you hating me. What we had was special and I don't want it gone."

My words were from the heart and to the point.

"Sure, lets do it." She smiled and we had a long embrace before Coach came over to us.

"Cahill! Bryant! Porter! Get over here!" Coach yelled to us. Bryant was the other guy who could complete Coach's task in record time.

We all got up and ran over to an area that was a few yards away from everyone else.

"How would you students like to be on the track team?"

Track? Nah, that's not my style. Besides, I have football.

"Sure Coach." Bryant answered.

"I don't know----,"

"I'd do it." Answered Mia.

"I'm in, Coach!"

"Great." Coach said to us.

"But I can't be in it, Coach. I'm a freshman. Don't I need to wait a year?" Asked Mia.

Coach pondered over it for a second."Don't worry about that. I'll talk to the track Coach and we'll see if we can get you in. He'll just have to see you in action."

I hoped she'd get in. Being in track would be the one time we could spend time together without any obsticles.


After everyone dressed out of their gym clothes, I wanted to say goodbye to Mia first. Mia was talking to that guy, Bryant. That upset-ted me alittle but I was still goin' for it.

She was laughing and smiling big at this guy. Is he that damn funny?

"Sup, guys."

"Hi, Nick. Marcus, this is Nicholas. Nicholas, this is Marcus."

We shook hands. "I saw you out there, man. Your fast, dude." Marcus complimented.

"Hey thanks. Your not so slow yourself." I laughed. I didn't like this guy. I don't know what it is. Is it his face, his smile, the way he looks at Mia?

"And let's give Mia her props. You got skills girl. Your pretty fast."

She chuckled. "I practice alittle," The bell rang after that. "Got to go guys. See you later, bye."

Mia ran out of the gym and left Marcus and I in silence until I got uncomfortable by his presence and left.

I don't like this guy. Not one bit.

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