The surprise

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I wake up in the morning and I turn over and see Joe walking to the bathroom completely naked nothing on. I don't quite know what to do. Do I carry on starring at him in the hopes he doesn't see me or turn away. I decide to risk it and luckily he doesn't. His little bum disappears through the door and I can then hear Joe singing in the shower for the next 15 minutes. It sounds so good that it sends me back to sleep. The next thing I know is Joe is on my bed stroking my hair fully dressed with his hair done saying "wakey wakey Candice morning time" he kisses me on the forehead and that sends butterflies straight to my stomach. I wake up slowly and rub my eyes Joe says in a soft voice "heya morning you ok what would you like for breakfast?". I sit my self up and say "can I have eggs and buttered toast please?" He gets up and says "don't move an inch more eggs and buttered toast coming right your way!" He walks out of the room whistling and this just feels like a dream. Joe has his music on and is singing away he makes me smile. 10 minutes later he brings in this amazing breakfast and it just looks to good to eat. I smile at Joe and say "never knew you could cook!" He laughs and says "well when I lived with Caspar well Caspar was useless so I had to do all the cooking" I laugh. He carries on "anyway are you any good at cake I have been wanting some for ages but don't know how to make them" I smile and say " I love baking I'll teach you". He walks out of the room and shouts "I'll get a recipe up so I know what ingredients to get out!". I eat my amazing breakfast and then get up and get in the shower. I tend to sing in the shower and so I did and it sounded so bad I feel bad for Joe! I get out, dry my self off and get my new clothes on then head into the kitchen where a possible disaster awaits. Joe starts laughing I can't see him so I am starting to wonder what he is doing. I walk around the corner and see flour all over Joe. I can't help but laugh at him with flour in all of his hair. I say laughing "Joe what have you done to your self!?" He coughs and says "oh um I dropped the flour out of the cupboard". I had stopped laughing just about now and I scoop the most of the flour off his head. Joe refuses to wash his hair because he wants to make the cakes first. I do each step slowly so that Joe can get the steps. He sneezes and flour shoots everywhere. He has a bunch on his nose so I wipe it off for him. Our cakes are starting to come together now and Joe is impressed I let Joe put the flower in and he feels so proud of him self. We then have our finished cake mixture and we spoon it into cup cake cases. I start putting the mixture in the cases whilst Joe cleans up. Joe stops cleaning and puts his arms around me softly and I wasn't expecting what happens next to actually happen. I turn around and smile at him and say "hey Joe" he doesn't say anything. He just leans in for a kiss and I happily take it. I turn around and put my arms around him and I laugh because I can feel Joe playing with my hair with one hand and my faced cupped with the other. The door goes bang and we are still kissing and Caspar walks in on us kissing away. Caspar shouts "wow Joe no idea you had company!" Joe turns around and blushes. He says "hey what are you even doing here?!" Caspar laughs and sighs "oh dear Joe you are useless you gave me your keys so that I could let my self in for a movie night with you" Joe looks at him and says "well let me introduce you this is my friend Candice I met her at the book signing and I asked for her number she seemed like a nice girl and she is we are JUST friends!" Caspar looks at him weird and says "it really didn't look like that when I walked in but ok!" Caspar sits him self down and I put the cakes in the oven Joe goes and takes a shower and I am left with Caspar. I sit down on the sofa and Caspar says "so how old are you and how long have you been watching Joe for?" I blush and say "well I am 25 and I have been watching Joe since he started I have also been watching you since when I started watching Joe!" He says "oh cool never new you were a fan of me". Joe comes back in after having a shower and he has his pants on and nothing more. His abs are killing me!  He sits down next to me and says to Caspar "oh Caspar Candice has seen the movie and she absolutely loved it" I turn and say "omg yes well done on the movie it was incredible so proud of both of you!" Joe puts YouTube on and Alfie has just uploaded so we watch his video. Joe makes us laugh as he does his Alfie impression. We carry on watching his video and I feel joes hand slowly slide into my hand. I think we are more than just friends the kissing the kiss on the forehead the date and now this. I like Joe and he likes me and nothing possibly feels any better than this right now. Although why doesn't Joe want to tell Caspar we are more than friends? Caspar is his best friend.

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