Stage appearance

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So after 2 hours of shopping Jessie and I have a perfect outfit sorted for the show tonight. We are matching and well I feel bad for the boys their feet must be killing. They slowly trail behind us as we walk back to joes car. "Joe what time do we need to be back so we can rehearse?" Joe looks at his watch "we need to be there in.....30 minutes!" We start to run so that we can all get back get changed then get to rehearsal. Luckily the traffic wasn't to bad so we made it back to the hotel in 10 minutes. Jessie and I ran upstairs and put our matching clothes on whilst the boys got prepared. Jessie and I take our make up bags with us so that we can do our make whilst Joe and Caspar are meeting the fans. We just make it to the place where we are performing tonight. We all start to get our mics on. Joe and Caspar go on and start off and then Joe says "can we have 2 helpers on please yeah you 2 will be fine" we walk on and do our bit and we stay on for about 20 minutes before leaving the stage letting Joe and Caspar finish the show. We head back to the dressing room and Joe and Caspar sign all the passes and then go and meet their fans. At this point Jessie and I take this moment to do our make up and get ready. We put our hair into ponies and then sit back and wait for Joe and Caspar to come back. After another 30 minutes of waiting they come back and they have such big grins on their faces. Jessie and I get up and give them both their good luck hugs and then we get our mics back on again. We head up to the stage and the crowd is huge. The music starts playing and Joe and Caspar do 25 minutes of there show and then they need our assistance."heya can we have 2 people to come and help us yeah you 2 will be fine" we walk on and the crowd go crazy and Jessie and I wave at all the fans and I even spotted one girl who was crying. Joe and Caspar were having a competition and the crowd had to root for who they wanted to win. There was team jandice and team cessie. Team jandice won and Joe and I did a celebratory dance on stage dancing around and messing about which wasn't meant to happen and neither was what happened next. Joe cupped my face with his soft hands and he gave me a long passionate kiss and of course we had thousands of kids videoing the show and they all went mental. We stop kissing and he looks at the floor and smiles and says to the crowd "um sorry about that guys!". So many kids were crying and screaming we love you and then it was time for Jessie and I to leave the stage. We walk off and Jessie looks at me and says "wow Joe really meant that kiss" I blush and see Joe on stage and he has a tiny bit of my lipstick on his face. I laugh and then the boys start to finish the show at the very end Joe and Caspar get Jessie and I to come on stage to say our final goodbyes. We walk back on and all the kids go wild and I would never want to be anywhere else we take a bow and leave the stage. Tears roll down my face and Jessie is the same and Joe hugs me and says "sorry about the kiss on stage" I smile and we put our foreheads together smiling at each other. Joe and Caspar give us piggy backs back to the dressing room and we sit down and chill for 30 minutes before leaving the building where loads of fans waited for us to come out. Joe pulls his vlogging camera out and starts vlogging. "So all of you guys were incredible don't forget from Caspar Jessie Candice and I we all love you so much and we appreciate the love and support so thank you and I will see you guys later but wait guys tell them" we all smile at him and shout "he's not a daily vlogger!" He turns his camera off and I rest my head on Joes shoulder and the next thing I know is it's 8:30am and I am in my bed. Joe turns over and smiles at me. "Hey Candice you fell asleep on me last night and I didn't want to disturb you so I got Caspar and Jessie to help me carry you up here to bed and I am extremely shocked we didn't wake you up". Joe grabs his phone and unlocks it and shows me a photo of me asleep last night as I look a state which mosh likely means I look a state right now. I blush and get up and look in the mirror. Uh oh I have mascara and lipstick all over my face and it looks horrible. Joe also has red on his face and that's my lipstick."Joe why do you have my lipstick on your face?" He laughs and says "well I kissed you goodnight last night but have you seen my pillow you have covered it in your lipstick so that's how I got it all over my face" I look at the red lipstick stains on the pillow and mouth "sorry" to him. He smiles and as I get a drink he puts his arms around my waist. I put some music on after getting my drink Joe and I start dancing together just messing about and laughing our heads off. Joe and I spend 45 minutes just bouncing around the room.

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