The prank

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Joe says to Caspar "oh mate can I speak to you please it's about a new project." Caspar says yeah sure man" the leave the room little did I know Joe wasn't doing that at all. Joe says to Caspar "mate Candice is my girlfriend and I want you to do something" Caspar smiles and says "what?" Joe says "mate I wanna prank her I want you to come on to her as then try kissing her and see what she does" Caspar laughs and he walks back in on his own. At this point I was oblivious to what was going on. Joe shouts "Caspar I'm going up stairs for a minute need to check my emails. Joe goes up the stairs and Caspar and I are left alone. Caspar yawns and puts his arm around me and I guess I'm ok with that. Then all of a sudden Caspar says "hey can I show you something" I smile at him and say "yeah sure Caspar" he gets up and says "well I like you a lot" I laugh at Caspar and I say "what do you mean?" He says "I think you should be with me don't tell Joe" he starts climbing on me and I start to worry I say Joe and he doesn't hear me and Caspar says "no no don't tell Joe" I couldn't believe this. I screamed "Joe help me!" He comes running down the stairs and walks in and high fives Caspar. I am confused Joe laughs and says "Candice this is a prank to see what you would do if someone tried hitting on you as you are my girlfriend" I smile and start breathing again he carries on "this was a test to see if I could trust you and I can" they both stand there laughing and then Joe gets my hand and pulls me up off the sofa. I hug him so much. He lets go and the. Scoops me up and says "you know I love you so much and he kisses me on the neck. Caspar's phone goes off. His face lights up and Joe and I look at him with weird faces. Joe says "what is it mate have you finally got a match on tinder" Joe and I laugh. Caspar shows us the phone. Joe drops his jaw. It turns out Caspar does actually have a match on tinder a girl called Jessie wants to meet him in Piccadilly Circus. He leaves the house in a decent hurry. He closes the door and Joe and I look at each other and laugh. We sit back down and then I remember the cakes are in the oven. I open the oven up and thank god they aren't burnt. I take them out and they are done. Joe comes over and says "oh can I taste one?". I smile and say "yes but be careful they are hot" he takes one and unwraps it. He scoffs it down and sits there thinking. He carries on to say "wow they are amazing you really can bake" I blush and say "why thank you" he laughs and sits down on the sofa. I follow and say to Joe "so Joe what are we right now are we something because after you kissed me" he stops me and says "look I like you and I want to be with you and if you want to be with me then great!" I hug him and he says "so then I guess you want to" I chuckle and say "of course I do!" He says "right I think I need to tell jack the truth". Joe gets his phone out and calls jack "hey mate wanna come round mine I need to tell you something" I hear jack say "yeah mate sure no problem be round in 10 minutes" Joe comes off the phone and says "I told Caspar that you were my girlfriend is that ok?" I say "yeah of course it's fine". Jack rings the door bell and Joe grabs my hand and we answer the door. Jack walks in and says "mate let me guess you and her glare dating" he laughs and sees Joe and I hand in hand. He carries on "oh I was joking I didn't actually know you were a thing" Joe laughs and says "jack just sit down I'm gonna explain the whole story from after you saw us" we sit down and Joe carries on "so after food we came back here and Candice got some clothes and then we went on a date. We got back and of course I slept on the sofa her in my bed. I fancied making cakes and Candice knew how to make them so she taught me how to. When I was clearing away I decided to put my arms around Candice and I went in for a kiss she excepted me and then Caspar walks in on us. We tell him it's nothing but then I prank Candice. I tell Caspar that Candice is my girlfriend and that's true but I wanted to prank her. So I got Caspar to try and come on to her and she did the right thing and shouted me. That's when I knew we could be together. Then Caspar gets a tinder date. Candice as I get the cakes out of the oven then we sit down and Candice asks about our relationship and now we are here". I blush and we have a conversation for an hour. Joe jack and I. Everything is perfect and nothing could get any better than this. No way in a million years. I am so glad Joe asked for my number.

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