The shock

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Jack leaves after getting a phone call from grace asking him to come back to the flat. Joe turns to me and says "you know it's Thursday and on Saturday I have to leave for Australia". My smile drops to a frown and he says "hey I'll be back before you know it" I hugs me tight. He can see how sad I am that he is leaving me. We snuggle up and watch as much YouTube as possible. After watching YouTube for 2 hours Joe gets a text. It's from Caspar and it's says " hey mate Jessie is so nice we are meeting again tomorrow for lunch!" Joe texts back "well done mate hope it all goes well but don't forget to tell her you are going on tour in a few days!". My phone buzzes it's a good friend of mine Jessie "hey Candice just been out on a date with Caspar Lee!" I look at the message then show Joe. My best friend went for a date with Caspar! I text back "so you are the girl he met he said he was meeting a girl called Jessie didn't know it was you!" She texts back "wait how do you know he was meeting me?!" I say to Joe "hey my friend doesn't know we are together can we take a kissing selfie" I get my camera ready, he kisses me on the lips and I take the photo and send it to her with a caption saying "this is how I know!" She types a quick reply "wait is that you and Joe sugg kissing!?" I laugh and text "yes Joe and I are together it's a long story!" She sends back "got to go but congrats!" I smile at Joe and nestle my head into his arm. Before we know it it's 11pm and Joe and I go to bed. I wake up the next day to hear Joe singing again! I shout "hey Joe nice singing!" He shouts back "oh morning Candice didn't know you were awake and thanks!" I check my phone and get up and walk into the kitchen. My breakfast is there ready for me. Joe smiles and sits next to me with a pancake the exact same as mine cream and berries. He puts cream on his finger and puts it on my nose. He laughs and so do I, then I put a massive load on his nose and we have a cream fight. At the end of it I have some on my face and nose as Joe has it in his hair. I go and have a shower then he does I wash my hair and use joes hair dryer. When he is done doing his hair he shouts me saying "Candice I have been thinking" I walk into the bathroom and I say "oh yeah what big thoughts have you had?" He says "well you know I am going on tour in Australia" I laugh and say "yes" he says "well how about you come with us because I am literally in love with you so much I can't just leave you here!" I start to cry happy tears and say "yes please can I come with you?!" He says "of course you can and you can chose one friend to come with you!" I say "well can I invite Jessie so that her and Caspar can spend time together as well?" He turns around and says "actually that's a great idea although there is a lot to do you know that right you have to pack get your tickets I'll get your tickets let Jessie know she is coming and get the bags ready!" I text Jessie the good news and I tell her and Joe not to tell Caspar and told Jessie to cancel her date with Caspar tomorrow. She does but I know Caspar will be even more happy when he finds out she is coming with us on tour. I am so excited and then Joe says "actually I really want you and Jessie to come on stage and do the show with us we will tell them you are friends at the start but reveal that you are actually our girlfriends at the end of the show and we will do that for every show" I am bursting with excitement at the fact that one I am going to Australia and 2 at the fact that I am touring with Joe Caspar and my best friend Jessie! I head back to my place to get everything I need. I get back to Joes and have everything ready.

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