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It had been three weeks since Lance had joined the school. So far he was doing pretty well. Margaret had finally convinced him to join the ASL class, for the advanced students, of course. It only took a quick class switch for him to be in. She was actually enjoying spending time with him quite a bit. She was still a little uncomfortable talking in sign with anyone besides Miss Jane, but she was getting used to talking to Lance.

Margaret had also noticed more things about Lance than she had on the first day. His hair was always in a bun, and heat flooded to her cheeks whenever she thought about how much she liked it. His eyes were a pale blue, which was striking compared to his curly, dark hair. Whenever he was embarrassed, his cheeks became pink. His hands shook when he wrote, while they were so steady as he signed. Not only all of this, but she couldn't help but think about their height difference quite a bit. She barely reached just beneath his shoulders. These were just the things she had noticed so far, and she was almost nervous to see what else she would notice later on.

She was sitting in her desk in the back corner, waiting for class to begin, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up to see Lance standing in front of her, face looking a little nervous. She smiled a little, hoping that would help him calm down slightly. She saw him take a breath, though it was soundless, before signing.

"Are you good at writing essays?" he signed in a rush. His words were a little jumbled, not as smooth as they normally were. She was worried all of the sudden.

"I suppose I'm okay," she signed. "Do you need help?"

Lance nodded his head, walking over to his desk, which was next to hers. He sat down, facing her instead of the whiteboard at the head of the classroom. He pulled a folder out of his backpack, then a packet of papers out of the folder. He slid the papers across her desk, revealing his grade as he did so. Marked on the top of the paper was a note from his teacher. It said:

Lance, this needs quite a bit of work. Instead of giving you a D, I will give you a second chance. Please go through your paper again, you will see that there are markings on your errors. I expect that you have this returned and redone by the beginning of next week. Thank you.

Margaret looked up, Lance's face tilting to the side for a second. "Can you help me?" he signed. It was Friday, so this paper was due pretty quick. She looked at him for a second before nodding her head. His face immediately relaxed. "Thank you so much."

She offered a small smile. "No problem."


Chapter Summary: Lance has been at the school for three weeks. He did poorly on a paper and asks for Margaret's help in revising it.

Thank you for reaching chapter three! I hope you enjoyed! Have a wonderful day, you beautiful person!

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