Chapter 6 :)

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Chapter 6:

*Erika's POV*

Revenge is gonna be sweet. I wont hurt Zayn's pretty little face maybe just scare him a bit.

We arrived at the Gym. I got out and made my way inside, I wasn't going to talk to him at all he is going to pay.

Going to the stage they said we will be practicing what we came up with at first then before next week's Friday comes we will have a rehearsal.

"Hi I'm Amanda and you must be Erika, am I right?" a girl named Amanda from what she said, asked me.

"Hi Amanda and yes, I am Erika" I said smiling at her

"Who is your partner? Mine's Harry" she said bouncing a bit and she is a little bundle of joy

"My partner is Niall" I said smiling just a tad bit though.

"Is he nice?" she asked me

"Well, I guess but I dont really know I haven't had a proper conversation with the guy but when I know I'll tell you" I said to her

"That's cool, Niall is cute but my boyfriend is better" Amanda said probably going to lala land dreaming about her boyfriend.

It's so cute that she's daydreaming about her boyfriend it really tells you that she likes him.

" Come on guys, practice starts now" Cathy said, well that was great timing (sarcasm).

I was starting to like Amanda, maybe I'll just talk to her later. At least I'll still have fun while dancing.

My promise of revenge is now beginning.

*Mia's POV*

I woke up with the annoying sound of my alarm clock.

Groaning, I lazily pressed the snooze button and got out of bed. I got ready for the day and went downstairs.

I made myself a small breakfast and watched a bit of telly.

Ohhh shoot, I need to buy food for my slumber party with Amber and Jay my two bff's. I got my keys and went straight to the car and head off to the grocery store.

*Erika's POV*

The steps were totally easy, well for me I guess. The other girls were having trouble but the good part is that Zaynie's partner is absent so he watches front row and I am making this dance...... let's say a bit uncomfortable for his being. When I say 'umcomfortable' I mean I'm making him wish that I was his partner and he seems to like me doing it. What a pervert.

I can see Zayn shifting in his seat, mission accomplished. I am totally laughing in my head at how he is shifting so bad. He is trying so hard to hide his little 'friend' that his breaths are a bit rigid.

I think he finally broke cause he ran to the bathroom, literally. I was laughing in head so hard that i had this goofy smile on my face.

"What are you smiling about?" Niall asked from behind me and what he said totally made my smile go away, I dont wanna get caught.

"Nothing and why are you asking?" I said not turning around.

"You do know that your little dance got all of us excited" I felt something on my thigh which means he is bending down since I am 5'7 and he is 5'10, I automatically turned around and stared at him in shock but what really caught my attention is that all of the guys except Greyson went straight to the bathroom.

I did not know that Niall had that side, he seems so innocent and friendly but I guess people do have different sides.

Okay that was totally weird, disturbing and a bit overwhelming. I mean WTF, those guys are pretty weird. Now I know why the fans love them so much, they were 'themselves' not acting like a complete snob to everyone.

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