Chapter 10: Headquarters

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The castle is in sight about half a mile ahead in the midst of the mountains and trees. You've been enjoying the journey for the most part, but then Oluo has to start speaking when it's so close to being over.

"An architectural marvel, don't you agree? A proper royal residents once upon a time, and more recently, our former headquarters. Fancy, yes, but absurdly impractical once the Scouts got down to business. This was the early days for us, you understand, when hopes soared high. Now all this place is is a holding cell--the place where we store our newest toy," Oluo informs Eren.

You share a look with Levi at his words before Oluo decides it's a fantastic idea to start talking again.

"Do not be deceived. Don't be expecting the royal treatment, whether you're a titan or a human, don't imagine for a second we all share the good captain's--"

Oluo suddenly bites his tongue and howls in pain. You, without any regard for Oluo, reach over to your left to tap Levi on the shoulder to get his attention. You bring your horse closer so you're only a few inches apart before you whisper your words.

"He does you better than you do."

Levi makes a face of disbelief. "Don't insult me like that. He can't even tie a cravat the right way."

"Oh, so you noticed his impersonating you?"

"No shit, especially when he's trying so damn hard to copy my every move. It annoys the hell out of me," Levi grumbles under his breath.

"I bet he would clean the whole castle if you asked him to. He's like your number one fan, honestly," you say.

"I don't need more half-assed cleaners. We would be better off doing it ourselves."

You express a fake look of shock. "Thee Levi Ackerman thinks me worthy of his sanitary standards? I am honored."

"Shut up, you little brat. I'm not that fucking crazy," he claims.

"Have you met you? Because if you haven't, I think you should meet Oluo."

Levi scowls and you stifle a chuckle that had been bubbling in your throat. When you get to the castle, you dismount your horses and you get the food from one of the crates to pass around including sandwiches and water. You stand at the side of the castle with Levi and faintly hear Oluo and Petra discussing how Oluo is acting like Levi more everyday.

After eating, Levi assigns each member to a certain spot in the ccastle to clean, giving you the option to take whatever place you want as long as you get the work done.

Levi likes cleaning alone because it relaxes him, so you took it upon yourself to stay with Eren and help him clean the upstairs in the section where everyone will be sleeping with their own rooms. It's a big job, but you notice Eren's determination to impress the Corporal and find it commendable.

You take the first three rooms to clean while Eren does the other three. You're extremely thorough with every crevice, especially under the tables, beds and chairs because you know that's where Levi checks first during inspection and you have a little plan worked out.

You finish scrubbing the floor of the last room and walk into the hallway where you peer into the room Eren is currently working on and see him at least attemping to be rigorous in his methods. It's another ten minutes before he completes his own job and meets you in the dusty corridor.

You tug down your mask and put a hand on Eren's shoulder because he looks absolutely nervous.

"Don't worry about it, Eren. Levi is a clean-freak, but the worst he'll make you do is clean the rooms over. No need to look so damn petrified," you soothe.

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